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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    Wags! That's great you're a member of the Emergency Response Team and glad your dad got the vaccine. My mom who is stubbornly not learning computers (I know she has the intelligence she just won't take the time because she is a perfectionist...) so the sign up was rough. The site where I worked was a county operation and there were tons of volunteers from the ranks of county workers and educators who have been vaccinated. The county people have the systems down - sign in, double check your identity, get a card, get a vaccine, wait 15 minutes and you're gone. At every step of the way there were several people to help you navigate - probably annoyingly so, but in one day they vaccinated 2048 people which is pretty amazing. There were never long waits - very smooth.

    Lav, I make soup all of the time, but I love hearing about new ones. My husband loves tomato soup so I'll be making that one for sure (or sending him the recipe...)

    I have returned to my morning yoga and can't tell you (or myself!) what a difference it makes to have that as a daily practice. I know, Mr. G, you can say I told you so. Sometimes I need some help with habits. Now if I can get my eating more in control I'll be cooking with gas.

    Have a happy SOBER Tuesday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Greetings all!

      Nearly broke the record for warmth here today at 69 degrees, sunny & really nice
      No cooking or baking for me today, leftovers only, haha!!

      Wags, glad to hear you got your vaccines. I’m still trying to get us scheduled, no luck yet.

      Pav, yoga must really suit you, glad you got yourself back in practice.
      I have to admit I went up a pants size this winter - the first time ever . I am going to try hard to lose some of that middle pudge I put on this past winter.

      Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Newbies Nest


        Just you and me here, Lav!

        I also went up a pants size - not for the first time. I fluctuate a bit... I am trying to figure it all out and get back to where I am comfortable again because while I have gone up a size I haven't purchased any new clothes! So everything is a bit of a squeeze at the moment.

        Happy SOBER Hump Day, everyone.


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Pav - your vaccine site sounds a lot like ours -- super well-organized and efficient without making people feel rushed. The signup system is a nightmare. My dad was a computer programmer for the majority of his career and there's no way he could have gotten signed up without my help.

          Lav - does your county or state have days of the week where they "release" or open up a bunch of new dates/times all at once? The most important thing I learned when I was getting appts for the three of us is if you have a system like that, when you get to the point of choosing your time slot, do NOT pick whatever is the earliest available. That will be what most people are picking and it's almost certain to fill before you can complete the rest of the process. Instead, pick a time a couple of hours later (several time slots -- they are usually 15 minute increments). There is also an app you can get that might be helpful (maybe less so for folks in the country like it sounds like you are). It's a site where pharmacies who have un-used doses (people don't show up is the usual cause) can notify you directly and if you're able to jump on it promptly you can get doses on very short notice. Let me know if this sounds like it would be helpful in your area.

          I haven't gone up a full pants-size but I've definitely put on some unwanted weight in the past 2-3 months. I think mine is largely stress related, like cortisol levels being too high and not getting enough good sleep. We are (re)starting a new workout program this week and I think once I get into the groove it'll drop back off.

          Our pup has her follow-up appt with the vet today. We're getting xrays to check whether her pneumonia has completely cleared up. I'm thinking it probably has, but aspiration pneumonia has a way of hiding in the tiniest corners of the lungs so we have to be cautious. I've been sleeping on the floor in the living room with her for 4+ weeks while she recuperates and we are building a new sleeping platform to put by the bed. Once we get that done (today or tomorrow I hope) we'll be able to move back into the bedroom where the bed is amazing. Can't wait to get some better sleep!

          Hellos and waves to everyone, and happy hump days/eves to you all.


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Hi, Nest

            My interest in cooking has essentially disappeared so on cold days, it's soup and on warmer days, salad. I'll try your tomato one, Nar. Simple is the way to go! I usually do them in the slow cooker, which makes them even easier!

            New puppy is here! Sweet and cute but man, I wish she would sleep all night w/o yapping! It is nice to feel needed, though.

            A guest recently left behind 3 of those little bottles of wine. I looked at them, remembering how often I drank 4 or more. To drink ONE of those would just be irritating. I suspect it would be the same with the finer wines of other countries. Better to have none.


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters

              3B, great work on your 60+ days, life is certainly calmer without the guilt shame and remorse in our lives each and every day. You will never ever regret becoming sober. I appreciate the reminder of your friend not turning up due to a hangover, i did that so many times in my drinking career.

              MIA again, never seems to be enough hours in the day atm. Been back to the drs a few times as i am sure my iron is at an all time low. had a full blood count the other day so waiting for the results and hopefully an iron transfusion as they look at what is causing this. i work for a few hours then nap and its so annoying. 10 hours plus sleep a day is way too much for someone who lived on 5 hours.

              Kensho, i am an introvert but i figure that i spend so much time talking to people through the day that i dont need to physically see people. Glad you are starting to feel better. Lemon cake is made with almond flour, eggs and lemon. i have found some delicious recipes that are keto and made a flourless chocolate cake the other day and a peanut butter slice with melted chocolate on top 75% cocoa. i think i have done more cooking since i have been doing this than i have in years and so quick and easy.

              Wags, i hope your fur baby is well now and you can get back into your bed. i know i would do exactly the same thing for my Carl. We seem to spend a lot of time together now as my son has moved out and my daughter goes to her bf's a few days a week. i have not had so much ME time in 30 years and i love it.

              Have my quote to get dental work done, over $10000 but its a part of my sober journey that i want to do. Never when i was drinking would i have been able to afford this let alone have it done. definitely a GA and will need two surgeries. I just want to be able to eat in all parts of my mouth ha ha. i could not get this done without being unconscious for it. dental phobia is the worst.

              well better start work so i can plan my nap.

              take care and glad you are all warming up, cooling down here but i love this weather. hoping i dont have to go back to work with winter coming up.

              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                We had another nice day, warm enough to go out without a jacket, yay!
                Made my fav vegan lasagne with cashew ‘ricotta’ & lots of fresh veggies - zero calories, HA HA!!! Sometimes you just want something that tastes good

                Wags, In addition to signing up at 4 different places for an appt I’ve also been using & all those locations just say they have vaccines but no appointments available. It’s crazy!!
                I hope your pup is all better now & you can all finallyget some decent sleep!!

                Pav, I definitely do not like being large, Lol. I’m just afraid I won’t be able to lose the extra weight, my metabolism has just about shut down over the past few years. Good luck

                NS, Congrats on the new puppy, yay!
                They usually calm down after the first few nights. I put my dog’s crate in the corner of my bedroom & 9 years later she still parks herself in the crate to sleep. Dogs are very habit driven

                Ava, I sure hope you find out what’s going on with your iron level soon, geez. I imagine you are feeling like a limp noodle at this point.
                I think the dental work is such a good idea, you’ll feel so much better afterwards & enjoy eating again.

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                  A guest recently left behind 3 of those little bottles of wine.
                  Did one of your guests leave me behind, NoSugar!?
                  Last edited by ThreeBottlesOfWine; March 11, 2021, 08:49 AM.
                  Life is better sober


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Hi, All:

                    Heh heh, 3BOW!

                    I've been cooking some recipes with wine and to make things easier I bought a four pack of those little bottles of wine. They are very SWEET (the brand I got), so not perfect for cooking. I am not at all tempted by them, and anyway my husband has alcohol all over the house. If I wanted to drink I could have the good stuff. I was imagining that glass of red wine with my delicious pasta in Italy, but really the truth is I don't want that. I want three LARGE glasses of wine and then a whiskey nightcap. Why bother with the one. I'll stick to my bubbly water and have more calorie room for dessert. I actually have been saving for a trip to Italy and was going to do it this year, but now maybe next (unless everyone else is also!).

                    Wags, that poor puppy and poor you! Did you make (construct) the bed that she sleeps in? Is this a common ailment? I appreciate your tips for getting vaccine.

                    Ava - I hope you figure out your iron soon. And you are worth an expensive trip to the dentist.

                    I have had awful hormone headaches the last two mornings so have skipped my yoga. I'm seeing my doctor about it next week. I am glad it is lighter out after work - so I can get out more and do what I like to do for exercise.

                    Happy SOBER Thursday,


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Crack me up, 3BOW :haha:. Yes, you are now on the top shelf of the pantry, shoved to the back!! I also occasionally cook with wine so the mini bottles are convenient but as a general rule, having NONE around if possible, especially until a person is very grounded in their quit is a good idea. My husband always has beer in the basement refrigerator for the ONE he occasionally drinks on a Friday (who does that??) but I've never liked it so it isn't an issue. Good on you, Pav, for avoiding temptation all these years.

                      Well, Puppy got out of her crate downstairs last night (husband apparently did not latch the door correctly :eek-new so she was free when I came down this morning but we couldn't find any evidence of accidents or damage so that's a relief!


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        We had a beautiful 71 degree sunny day. Of course tomorrow we go back to chilly damp weather. I got out & cleared my herb garden, need a few new plants this year.

                        3BOW, you can just stay in the back of NS’s pantry & don’t cause any trouble, haha!!

                        Pav, I just gave up cooking with wine, anything to avoid temptation. I think you’ll be just fine when traveling, don’t forget your Tool box
                        Sorry about the headaches, I remember them well.

                        NS, maybe your puppy has magic claws & unlocked the crate, you never know Glad there was no damage.
                        Hello to all & wishing a safe night in the nest for everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          Originally posted by ThreeBottlesOfWine View Post
                          Did one of your guests leave me behind, NoSugar!?


                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Wags, I would be interested in that app that alerts you to extra vaccine. I could be onsite at a moment’s notice! Our governor said that my group will be eligible next week! I’m so excited, I could cry. It will be such a relief.
                            Lav, for the recipes that call for milk, I use water and (non dairy) CoffeeMate, it works great. I also make soup with salsa! My favorite salsa is Herdez. It has everything in it that I would put in there, tomatoes, onions, and yum.
                            Kensho, Stanley Tucci sure does make Italy look delicious Those Italian dishes are inspiring. I can see where the thought of wine could enter the picture, after all, it flows like water over there. If you find yourself needing a reality check, you can easily search ‘drinking on vacation’ and see what it turns up. It’s unbelievable. There was one person who got so wanted he missed his flight (on his honeymoon). It’s a shame we can’t take a vacation from this addiction, but alas. In my mind, not drinking gives me a license to eat a little more of the good stuff. Give and take. Maybe reading some of those stories about vacation ‘slips’ will help? It helps me. This site is a treasure trove of great information and experiences. If you can think it, somebody has done it. I went to Ireland without any problem at all, so I can attest to the fact that it doesn’t have to spell trouble. A trip to Italy sounds incredible!
                            We spring forward tomorrow, ugg.
                            It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! :rara: Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              Friday greetings Nesters,

                              Still nice out here but a little less sunny. This weekend looks to be rainy, oh well.

                              Byrdie, I actually cannot use CoffeeMate. It claims to be non-dairy but there are milk solids of some sort in there that bother me. I have zero problems with the nut milks or oat milk, thank goodness
                              Sadly we have been eligible for the vaccines for many weeks, just can’t get appointments but I’m still trying. I’ve been told to get online at 5 am & others have said to get online at midnight - wtf??

                              Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Originally posted by Byrdlady View Post
                                Wags, I would be interested in that app that alerts you to extra vaccine. I could be onsite at a moment’s notice! Our governor said that my group will be eligible next week! I’m so excited, I could cry. It will be such a relief.
                                Byrdie - check out the website

                                You'll have to register and answer Qs that evaluate whether you're eligible in your area, and then they'll help you connect with providers who have unused doses at the end of a day. Since the vaccines have to be stored in such specific ways, those left-over doses could go to waste otherwise. I hope it helps you get your vax! As someone who is fully vaxed I can confirm that it is SUCH a huge relief.

