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Newbies Nest

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    Re: Newbies Nest

    Hi, All:

    I always liked a cold plunge after a sauna or a hot tub, but I am so cold all of the time that a cold shower on purpose seems incomprehensible. Maybe I'll read the science? I still think I'll keep mine warm.

    Narilly - that is COLD! I'll keep my 10 degree variance between summer and winter, even if it means my summers are too cold.

    Lav - That is an interesting job for your husband. Good thing it gets him out. With Covid my husband is working at home and I am NEVER alone. He gets bored here by himself so when I get home he wants to chat and hang out - which is great to a degree. I need more alone time than I get...

    Not much to report. I have been having very intricate and weird dreams lately. Last night it was a caper with twin social security scammers, and our governor (with me of course) as the person who stopped the scam. Hijinx ensued.

    Happy SOBER Tuesday,


      Re: Newbies Nest

      Happy Un Hung Tuesday everyone.

      G, I did the WIM shower this morning and it was good. I think I will research it a bit more and see where it leads me. I like anything that helps the immune system especially now. Pav, my fair weather friend, you crack me up. Honestly the husband being around all the time...I really enjoy my hubby working 7 days on and 7 days off. It is pretty sweet.

      Wags, you got it, I am in Calgary and it is unseasonably cold right now. We had an unseasonably warm fall so I guess this is the way it goes. I found it interesting about the Amish weekday weddings too and wondering about their Covid protocols.

      Someone had a wedding party here 2 weeks ago and now there are 49 people from that party testing positive. Seriously people.

      Belle, so cool that your daughter is educated about the government. I think a lot more people need to be educated, a lot of people I see on the news seem totally clueless but then again they drive ratings.

      Anj, hope you are doing well over there in EIRE, I really want to visit one day. :love:

      Hello Byrdie!
      Ken, your trail was burned up? That really sucks.

      Going for brunch with hubs. There is a place by our house and they have glass partitions between the tables so that is great and the food is YUMMY. I will tell you what I ate tomorrow, stay posted...

      Belle, thanks for the positive feedback on my reminder- Don't drink today everyone.

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Re: Newbies Nest

        Tuesday evening greetings Nesters,

        Pretty nice day here, a bit warmer than it’s supposed to be this late in October. Keeping myself busy with a little cleaning, a little crafting & plenty of chicken care, haha!!
        We have always lived in PA but we were closer to Philly. 17 years ago we moved south, away from the city influence to cow country & the Amish community. We’re right on the border with MD.
        We both retired at age 50 but still needed to work, if you know what I mean. So the ex-nurse opened an embroidery business & the ex-cop turned into a driver for those who don’t drive. I call him the original Amish Uber, haha! We have learned a lot from these folks including how to grow fabulous garlic & onions!! And just about everything else. They are mostly farmers so they take no time off during growing/harvesting season. They leave the weddings for October when they’re less busy. They travel to different counties, too far to go by horse & buggy so they hire drivers.
        I made sure my husband had a big box of disposable masks in his truck & insisted he gets them to wear a mask & use hand sanitizer before they get in. They weren’t too concerned about Covid at first so we printed articles & handed them to the local bishop. Once he understood the seriousness of the virus things changed. I also gave copies of mask sewing directions to a few of the ladies. So for the most part they are pretty good at following guidelines. Their kids are still attending their schools but no problems have come up yet. It’s been interesting

        Wags, I sure hope the planet hangs on & repairs itself from all the damage. I want my grandkids to be able to live & breathe, geez.

        Pav, I don’t think I could handle having a grown adult under my feet all day, Lol. They need to stay busy for everyone’s sanity

        Narilly, I hope your lunch out was good. I’m meeting two old work friends for lunch tomorrow before we get locked down again. I kinda feel like another lockdown is coming with The rise in new cases in our state.

        Hello to all & wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Newbies Nest

          Pav - that's a crazy dream you had! Much better than drinking dreams though, although those do serve a purpose. With what looks like a stricter lock-down coming for the winter, maybe you and your husband can renegotiate how to navigate things so that you get some more alone time?

          Lav - all the things you've learned from the Amish sound wonderful. And great choices for "retirement" on both of your parts. I'm jealous of your lunch with friends though. The only way we'd be able to do that here is outside in a big open space (like someone's backyard) with everyone bringing their own stuff, and even that opportunity is ending with the cooler weather arriving.

          Nar - wow, 49 people from one wedding party. It's like people just think it won't happen to them, or if it does it'll be no big deal. And for most people maybe it isn't a big deal, but it's deadly for some and it seems harder to predict who that's gonna be than for some other diseases.

          Well, I have to get ready for a few classes today so I'll sign off for now. Happy mid-week everyone! No reasons to drink around here!


            Re: Newbies Nest

            Happy Un Hung Wednesday everyone.

            It is snowing like crazy here and -6C so usual winter weather. My mom put on here cleats and walked to the optometrist this morning (I walked with her) and it was great. She is 86 and still doing really well, thank goodness. I am lucky to be able to spend time with my mom and MIL, one of the benefits of being unemployed

            Lav, your life sounds wonderful. I am sure you are grateful everyday for it. Actually my life is pretty good too, no complaints here.

            Hello wags, glad there are no reasons to drink.

            Well, gotta go back out into the snow to walk my momma home. We got our flu shots yesterday so that was good AND breakfast was yummy. I had the Westcoast Bowl which was smoked salmon, capers, pickled ginger, two poached eggs, holandaise sauce all on a bed of greens and a few potatoes. It was SO good.

            Anyway, have a good one, hi Anj, Dee, 3BOW.

            G- since I live in such a cold place I figure I am Wimming everyday!

            Don't drink today- ODAT (one day at a time)

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              Re: Newbies Nest

              Hi, Nest. Hanging in here on Grandma-Duty. It appears I have the most flexible job (or I am the biggest push-over) b/c I have many hours w/ the kids each day. It is fun and I am grateful to be able to be w/ them at this time when so many people are isolated but man, I need some me-time. And some time without a body attached to mine. Knowing that I will miss them so much in a week when I go home, I'm trying to stay in each moment and appreciate it. I do go to bed when they do, though, 1. because I'm tired and 2. because I want to be ALONE! Drinking alcoholically definitely would not fit into this picture!!

              Sounds like all of you are doing well. This would be a very bad time for any of us to give up all we've gained. Last night I had the thought of how great it would be to TOTALLY CHECK OUT AND RELAX when I get home next week. So grateful my brain is now healthy enough to see that thought for what it is (a TERRIBLE idea) and just let it go...

              xx, NS


                Re: Newbies Nest

                Hey, Nesters.
                Not much to report from here. I do know how to convert C to F, however. Take the C temperature, for example, 4, double it and add 30. That gives you F° So 4° C is 38°F. 10 degrees Centigrade is 50 F (10x2, plus 30) A Canadian friend taught me that. In fact, she made me honorary Canadian, so there’s that. Yes, alcohol was involved at the time.
                Getting and staying sober has been an extremely positive step in my life. I’d venture to say it has been one of the most important decisions in my life, right up there with my choice of spouse. If was effecting every single part of my life, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I’m so glad that I made that choice and found the tools to help me stay that way.
                Hope everyone is having a happy hump day! Hugs, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Re: Newbies Nest

                  Greetings Nesters,

                  Snow in Canada & a 70+ degree day here, humid too, weird.
                  I enjoyed lunch with my two friends. We just may be facing another lockdown if the new Covid cases keep piling up. The powers to be believe the new cases are resulting from large gatherings of people, inside. Think weddings, parties & the dumbass college kids partying their tails off like everything is normal, ho hum.

                  Wags, I have a feeling it’s going to be a long & lonely winter for many of us. We need to prepare so we don’t lose our minds while being cooped up. Hobbies are good, piles of good books to read, new recipes to test out, etc. Whatever healthy activity you can think of really

                  Narilly, you are a brave woman & so are your Mom & MIL! I guess when you live in snow country being brave is a necessity!
                  My Mom passed away at age 65, my MIL a few years after that age so we’re not used to long living, strong women, good for you

                  NS, I absolutely know how tiring the little ones are but they are the best! I would have missed all that if I hadn’t quit when I did too. We have a lot to be grateful for, no matter how exhausting, haha!

                  Byrdie, FB just reminded me - those cookies you made for the kids with the ‘paintable icing’ OMG! They absolutely loved them, thanks for the memory

                  Hello to everyone & wishing a safe night in the nest for all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Newbies Nest

                    Nar - that's so awesome that your 86-y-o mom went walking in the snow with cleats on, and even better that you're able to see the positives in having time with her and your MIL right now. What a good daughter/DIL you are too!

                    Byrdie - when I was living in Michigan I learned that same temp conversion method from a Canadian! I love it because it's so much simpler and still plenty accurate for most situations (e.g., do I need a jacket or not?).

                    NS - hang in there with the grandkids. You'll have your me-time when you get back home and you won't need a drink at all!

                    Lav - yep, I have a feeling this winter will be really hard for a lot of people. I feel so bad for people struggling with depression, anxiety, domestic violence, or other similar challenges. My wife and I were just talking the other day about how we need to brainstorm a list of things that will help us stay mentally and physically healthy over the next several months, especially because winters here are so dreary and gray. I'm planning to renew my Spanish studies, and she's putting together a list of wood-working projects she's been wanting to tackle. We're also going to start a new workout program - we've got about two weeks left in our current one, then a week "off" (still walking and biking), and then we'll begin the new one. We haven't chosen which one yet.

                    That actually raises a great discussion topic: What are some of the things you all are planning to do over the next few months for your winter or summer, especially if stricter lock-down measures go into place in your part of the world?

                    Hellos and waves everyone!


                      Re: Newbies Nest

                      Hi, All:

                      That made my mouth water, Nar. Sounds good. Glad you can hang (and want to) with your mom and mil. A little silver lining.

                      Wags, the funny thing is that I have been trying to get him to hike with me for our whole marriage. Then I just turned my hiking into my alone time and all set. With the pandemic he is taking care of himself and now wants to hike with me! I can't say no to that, but you're right, I just have to negotiate another time to be alone.

                      49 sick people from a wedding party! That's awful. I was just reading about a small college town in Wisconsin - I think it was LaCrosse. The virus swept through the college and there were no terrible outcomes, but because of that it swept through the town and now is killing a lot of older people. It is about community spread and what we can do to protect our most fragile - apparently we can't do too much as the numbers are going up again. Sigh...

                      I have been having more alcohol thoughts lately. Just reporting, not much to be done. I just let them pass and give a thought of gratitude. I remember where I was and where I do NOT want to return. Thank goodness I don't drink.

                      Did anyone take me up on the yoga challenge? I have now done 40 days in a row - that's monumental for me because I am NOT a morning exerciser. But there you go. I feel better, stronger, less crunched up in my body and my mind. It is pretty gentle yoga and adaptable for all levels - just an easy way to start the day.

                      Happy SOBER Thursday,


                        Re: Newbies Nest

                        Good evening Nesters,

                        Oddly warm & humid here to the point that the AC turns on automatically. Strange fall season but I guess everything has been strange this year.
                        We’ve had heavy fog the past two mornings too.

                        Wags, planning ahead always helps us succeed!
                        I can keep myself as busy as I want to be embroidering & sewing things for eventual sales. That’s a good thing! I’ve gotten used to ordering fabrics, threads & stabilizers online so I don’t have to travel to many stores. There’s no stores around here anyway except a supermarket about 7 miles away, haha! Historically my mood starts to slip when we lose daylight. I counter that by increasing my plant based Mood stabilizer as needed.

                        Pav, keep that gratitude in the forefront of your mind. It helps me so much, honestly!
                        Alcohol thoughts pop up occasionally but I now just laugh them off. NO WAY will I put myself back under that evil spell, nope, not happening!!
                        Good for you sticking with the yoga challenge. I know I start things like that then tend to wander off & forget them, Lol. Probably age related

                        Hello to the rest of the nest crew & wishing everyone a safe night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Newbies Nest

                          HI, All:

                          Weird that my post came after the three before (NS, Byrdie and Wags). Or did we all post at once?

                          Wags, I like the challenge. I would love to hear what exercise challenge you pick - I know you look for good ones. I have started a writing group - I have always loved to write fiction and am dusting off the muscles I haven't used in a LONG time. It is humbling and keeps me engaged. The only problem is that I write on a computer so it is more screen time. I am contemplating getting a stationary bike. I have always said I like hiking and being outdoors instead, but in winter when I get off work in the dark that isn't an option. I wonder if I would use it or if it would just be a place to hand clothes??? I also have studied Spanish and want to get back to it. I also want to take a drawing class. We'll see. But challenge accepted - time to make a plan.

                          Yes, Lav, thanks to you I try to be grateful. Sometimes that can be a challenge! But ultimately I am very privileged and have so much in my life to be grateful for.

                          Happy SOBER Friday. I have been eating well this week - no sugar. And I don't even really want it (usually I get my Friday night ice cream). That's how it goes.



                            Re: Newbies Nest

                            Happy Un Hung Friday everyone.
                            It has been snowing like crazy here and is Freezing! -12C which is 10.4F. Thanks for the quick calculation method Byrdie- it doesn't work for minus temps though does it? Or am I totally confused?
                            Let me know Byrdie or Wags.

                            My computer is by the window and my hands are getting cold, sheesh, I am not as tough as I used to be.

                            NS, Lav, being a grandma does sound pretty fun. You are both amazing.

                            Talk later.
                            Don't drink today.

                            Covid seems to be increasing a lot here right now, hopefully we can turn the curve back down. It is going to be tough in winter.

                            Pav, so great that your yoga has been working for you. It is certainly good for the mind and body.

                            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                            AF April 12, 2014


                              Re: Newbies Nest

                              10 weeks sober with a couple of slips but feeling very lonely and alone.


                                Re: Newbies Nest

                                Hey, Walk and welcome to the nest! 10 weeks is absolutely fabulous, you have a lot to be proud of with that chunk of time. Heck, there are times that I feel lonely, too. An across the street neighbor had a party earlier this week and invited all the ladies from this street and the next one but didn’t invite me. My hubs was taking the trash out and she told him she didn’t invite me because she knew I wasn’t socializing. #1. She shouldn’t be socializing, either, our covid numbers are terrible, there were no masks and about 12 people. #2 they are big drinkers and I think that’s the main reason I wasn’t invited. I saw the pictures on FB the next day, I must say, it did hurt my feelings. One of the ladies is my insurance agent and I have an appointment with her on Nov 1, which I’m going to do by phone. I don’t trust meeting with her in person now that I know she attended a party. Maybe I’m being too cautious. I understand your feeling of loneliness. I find that it’s usually temporary. We are so glad you found us. Be sure to check out the Tool Box, link below. Great job!

                                On Twitter today, one of the guys I follow says he has 32 years sober what a wonderful accomplishment. I’m planning to make that and more!

                                Nar, I don’t know if my formula works for negative numbers, I’m too thick in the head to work out the math when that happens. You may just have to say ‘It’s mighty cold, wear everything you’ve got’. Every one of my family are numbers people and can easily do math with negative numbers, but alas, I didn’t get that gene.

                                I’ve been out in the beading chamber today and made a couple of necklaces. I have been organizing the beads but it is nearly hopeless. If I start overthinking it, things go amuck. Do I sort by size? Color? Hole size? Shape? See how confounding it can get? I’m planning to use most of them over the winter. Who doesn’t need 300 necklaces? (Especially when the only people you see are a hubs and a dog).

                                It’s only Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille! Stay strong, evabody.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

