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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I love it when the nest is busy:l

    Had a wonderful night out or that should be "in" with the girls, I'm the "new girl" in the group, they're "normalies" can drink like crazy one night then not bother for weeks on end with AL or just have one glass with dinner with their other halves then finish the bottle between them the next day

    Anyway I drove so there was no pressure on me to drink at all and to be honest the fact they were drinking wine didn't bother me, yes a couple of times I thought that would be nice, but I wasn't constantly thinking I wish I hadn't driven, I wish I was drinking, I was happy with my juices, the conversation was great and I rolled home at two in the morning, so nice to remember getting home, get into my pj's and go to sleep sober.

    They started a conversation about how they could never become Alkies, could never see themselves drinking before they got up in a morning and I couldn't stop thinking "If only you know how easy it is to become that person" anyway enough of that conversation, we all know about that. Last night I just proved what I already know, I don't need AL to have fun and enjoy myself....

    Sunsign.... That voice will always be there for some of us, and we need to work on tuning it out the way we do with background noice of the tv or traffic. The kittens are four we've taken on from a rescue centre, they'd been abandoned behind a cafe and were thought to be ferral, turned out they weren't, we had been thinking of getting another kitten or maybe two saw "the boys" and couldn't bear to split them up:upset:

    Greg, funny how real those dreams seem, you can almost feel the physical act of smoking drinking and whatever and it makes you think for a moment when you wake up, everytime I quit drinking I start craving cigarettes although I gave up smoking years ago. Glad everything is going well with you.

    SJ I've seen the ads for the couch to 5k programme I'll have a look at that when the kids go back to school, I'm seing a dietician on Wednesday about my lack of weightloss so maybe a time to start that programme too. As for people pushing alcohol on you 16 times one one ocassion, honestly thats obsessive, you ask once maybe twice then leave it at that.

    Daya great job on going AF, if you can stick with it a few more days it will get easier, place the bottle out of sight and keep busy, if I can't see it, I don't think about it. I can't mod I am an all or nothing girl, so its nothing from now on (maybe one day in the future I'll be able to leave it at one or two but I'm not counting on it happening and I am coming to terms with that, I'm becoming more confident now I'm on the road to being sober, so why change that by drinking) Have you spoken to your other half about not drinking, it took a couple of false starts with me, hubs would offer me wine on my first few days AF, which would annoy me and I'd silently accuse him of doing it on purpose as we were going through a rough patch, but now he's guided by me, if I don't buy wine he rarely bothers himself. Like SJ I buy hubs wine now and again, he's one of these annoying people who can make those mini bottles last a couple of days, so I will buy him one of those and I can't have one myself.

    Today glad you had a good evening, don't stress about giving in, it's a hard situation the frst few times you are out and you are having pressure put on you to try something, if you only tasted it that way, you couldn't have absorbed much else sommeliers would be constantly legless.

    Lav, Byrdie, Turn and anyone else I've missed hope you've had a happy weekend

    Love to you all


    Just taking it day by day.......


      Newbies Nest

      It makes a nest mother proud to see her nestlings getting their wings. I am so proud of everyone. Like Greg says, if you fall and don't get back up, that's the tragedy...just put a hand up and we will pull you back in. I am with hands over heart at the wisdom of the newer people giving strength to the brand new folks. And so it goes. No one is a failure here. There is always someone with an inspiring story or thought. I am so grateful to be getting my life back...I was sitting outside enjoying the day a while ago with my hubs went to the hardware store. 8 months ago, I'd have already been drunk, but would have taken his abscence to gulp some more. By 8 I would have been passed out. I was killing myself, my marriage and the life I had worked so hard to build.
      This recent hurricane was a great reminder....we heard them say over and over, 'have a plan'. You have to have a plan....what are you going to do when you crave so bad your mouth waters? What will you say when the pushy people force a drink on you? I tell you, that remark I made about my colon shut that guy right up...he just would NOT let it rest. I puffed up after that thinking that I had won that round!! You must have a plan to succeed. No one plans to fail...but fail to plan (stole it).
      My hubs keeps his wine downstairs and I do ok with that. I know he kept track of it when I first started out. Mind you, I would drink his and replace it. But when I made the decision to quit I made my mind up to NOT THINK ABOUT IT. Getting control of your mind is 100% of this battle. This problem is not is mine.
      So I hope everyone found his/her strength today. It all boils down to this....all you gotta do, is get thru this day. xo, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Hello Nesters!

        Am currently on generator power (since 2 am this morning) so I have the essentials. Glad the cable has been restored Tried to logon with my phone but that's not always easy.
        My immediate surrounding area did not recevive a lot of damage ~ lucky!

        Glad to see so many stopping by today
        A bump in the road is not a failure.....just a bump. keep hopping back into the nest, never give up trying & you will make it - I did
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Just checkin in before heading off to dreamland...hopefully it will be blue skies and full sails tonight! Speaking of which, it does appear as though a way has appeared that we can get our sailboat! We have a buyer for the condo and the owner of Chapter Two is going to work with us on a payment plan. WooHoo!

          Lav - Happy to hear all is well; brilliant of you to have a generator!

          More great posts from Wonder Woman and Lee (thanks for signing that Lee, it makes a more personal connection!) - You ladies are just ROCKIN!

          Have a peaceful night Nestmates!
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            Back to wish everyone a good night & a safe one in the Nest!

            greg, great on the sailboat!!!!
            We purchased a whole house generator a few months after moving in when a big storm left us with no power for 4 days. Turns out it happens all the time around here. Don't even want to begin to tell you how nasty it is to have no water, lights, showers or flushing toilets for 4 days

            Have a great night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Nesters!

              I just returned from my vacation -- a week on the gUlf Coast although I spent the last few days in front of a tv watching Irene make her way up the east prayers are with all of you who live on the eastern seaboard. Hope you stayed home and dry in the NEST!

              Yikes! I can't keep up with all the posts but I'll give it a try...
              Greg and Sunsign, Byrdlady and Lavande - you all rock!! You are so attentive to everyone who lands in the nest...bless you all for your support and encouragement.

              Greg, good for you for going AF and smoke free...must be hard but that is amazing.

              Byrdlady, I love your earlier posts about moderation. If someone can do it, that's great, but I know deep down that I would always be fighting a strong urge to keep drinking so I would rather keep booze far away.

              Turnagain - I love your pup! LIke you, I'm so happy I no longer have to keep a secret stash of vacation was so stress free from that nonsense.

              LIS: day 16 is great! Keep racking up the days....
              Sarah JAne: you are an inspiration. day 35 and 9 awesome.

              Today - tasting a bit of wine is better than downing the bottle. Forget it - and move on. You are doing great!

              Daya: Give your body time to were pouring a bottle of wine into your system every night. Loads of sugar! Let your body get readjusted from all of that...your liver thanks you.

              Well, I kept away from booze on my vacation although it was all around me. Gin and tonics before dinner, [really good] wine at dinner, and me with my iced tea. I'm really happy without it now. IN fact, now I think of everything I would LOSE by drinking again. I am 11 weeks in and I want to hit my 3 month mark, and then I look forward to 6 months. I'm losing weight (about 12 lbs), and most important, I'm learning how to live emotionally sober. I can't explain it now [too tired] but I love learning how to RESPOND and not REACT to the people and events that make up my life. Without booze, I have the chance to finally "grow up" - can't believe I would say that as I am in my 40's. I don't want to self-medicate and drink out of depression and I don't want to be a "happy" drunk. I want to be lucid in the present. Sometimes, I feel completely aware of being in the present moment - completely alive in the present - and no high or altered state feels as good and as beautiful as the experience of HERE AND NOW.

              Back to work tomorrow so I am going to get ready for bed. I'll be around the nest more.
              Peace to all of you - I missed my soul mates/my kindred spirits.....


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all, just a quick hello and good night. I read a few posts, but too tired to do much else. I will try and catch up tomorrow.

                Lav, I am glad your safe!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Still no power in Lav-land. But a guy from the power company just knocked on the door & said he's working on it - geez, I hope so :H

                  Welcome back Life & great job staying on plan on you vacation. Knew you would do it

                  4me, how's it going with you??

                  No power = no business for me today. Well, at least the sun is out so I'll start the cleanup outside

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi! Is this really a holistic/ organic type forum? I'm trying to start a better style of living... Nice to be here!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Take2!!! Good to have you back in the Nest! Your posts are always so poignant. Great job on vacay... proof indeed that the better it gets, the better it gets!

                      Lav - Doubly brilliant on the whole house generator...most folks I know that even have them just have enough juice to keep the TV and the fridge going. (What does THAT say about our culture!) TampaBay has avoided the bad stuff for a long,long time and I hope we can keep it that way!

                      4Me - Good to see you stopping by, give us the scoop on how it's going!

                      Echoz - Welcome! Our real purpose here is to get sober and stay sober and we do that by sharing our stories and caring for each other. If you have a problem with alcohol, then you are in the right place!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello & welcome Echoz!

                        Glad you found the Nest right away, we're a nice bunch here
                        The MWO program is good in that it addresses all of our issues be it physical, emotional & even spiritual. The best place to start is by reading the MWO book. You can download it right from the Health Store here on the website.
                        There is an option of using medications which some people do but lots don't. I didn't use any myself. A good reigmen of healthy eating, supplements, light exercise & Hypnotherapy worked great for me
                        You should take a look in the for great ideas to help you make your individualized plan. Stick with us & let us know how you are doing!!

                        After 3 pm ~ still no power

                        Greg, the generator is a good thing especially when it's maintained properly. Since my spouse disappeared - well let's just say ~ I'm learning
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening everyone:l

                          Had a lazy ish day for once, bank holiday here so the kids got me up at stupid o clock to go to a car boot sale, but gosh was it freezing, August and I've had the heating on at home, mind you we were roasting after a few minutes hubs had got it on the setting I use when it's below zero:H Got a few bargains, then came back had lunch and snoozed on the sofa for most of the afternoon, before watching a DVD with hubs and my son and making snow cones. Now watching a little TV in bed and doing a bit of writing before calling it a night, my earlier snoozing has made me

                          Life congrats on your AF holiday, I had my first earlier this year, they are fab aren't they? No worrying about hiding you spare stash, no rushing to get back to the apartment to sneak a few drinks, I used to get so irrate when I couldn't find the opportunity to get myself a drink from the bottle and the stress of thinking hubs would come across the hiding place, that and no hangovers and feelings of guilt.... well you know what I'm saying..

                          Greg great news about the boat hope it all falls into place soon

                          Lav hope you get your power back soon, I don't know how I'd cope it was bad enough with our old bolier forever breaking down giving us no hot water or heat, but having limited power is something else....

                          4me hope you are doing okay honey

                          Hi Echoz and anyone else I've missed or wanders in today....

                          Keep strong Leexx
                          WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                          Just taking it day by day.......


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Still sitting here waiting for the power to come back on. I am not totally in the dark & have running water thanks to the generator but still......

                            LIS, a nap can be a lovely thing as long as it doesn't interfere with your night's sleep.

                            Realized just now that all this extra, added stress has not fueled any desire to invite AL back into my life & for that I am grateful

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I just read a great quote...and no one took credit for it so maybe I will! There's only one thing worse than having to learn by experience...not learning by experience. Ain't that the truth. Have a great night...early morning tomorrow, I'll try to be as quiet as possible...sleep well and in peace. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Nester, looks like everone is doing great! I am still staying AF through the week. I have had a few slip ups, but doing pretty good. Too much stress from vacation. Vacations are punishment for the self employed. I haven't had much time to listen to the CD's and half the time forget to take the supplements. I need to work on that. Still freaking out aboutt my 30 day AF looming in the near future.

                                Lav, I hope you are well and you get power soon.

                                Greg, I checked the CD's and they just say Hypnotherapy program. I am doing well, thanks for asking.

                                SJ, nine miles, I would die. You rock!

                                Life, your vacation is inspiring. I wish I had the guts to go on mine totally AF, but to chicken.:nutso:

                                Newbies, welcome! This is a great place to be for support.

                                For all of you that I missed, I hope you are all doing great!!

