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Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

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    Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

    hi all
    Good morning everyone! I am of course, struggling with some SAD but am about to log on some time in front of my light, and have some extra Vitamin D pills, and maybe do some journaling. And try to be more productive today. I was so lazy and unfocused yesterday. I don't know why.
    Eve, glad you are back and everything was okay! I have not yet read Eat Pray Love, but I know it is popular. That really sounds amazing!
    Peri, I used to go to Al Anon, too. Sometimes I miss it, actually. Do something good for that is stuck in MY mind as well. hmmm
    GB keep posting here, you might not feel too good at first, so check in a lot.
    Hi JAMMS, welcome!
    Hi Zed, honestly it sounded like a fun night. I don't do a lot of going out at all. That does NOT mean you shouldn't pick yourself up by the boxer shorts!!! Good for you going to the gym, that and water should help a lot. Are you doing good mostly in your goals?
    J-vo, don't leave us too much! I know what you mean, though, this site is kind of addicting.
    Sunbeam, Vera, Vlad, good morning, and to all you other modders!


      Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

      Hello beautiful people,

      Lila - you are really a special person and it comes across to me whenever you post. I really like you. Hang in there with the Seasonal D, and we'll help you get through. Try to keep active and don't think too much (easier said than done I KNOW!!!), it's all okay and the world is fine. Really. Take it from Z. I know you asked some days ago, about the state of the world, and that you sometimes felt scared about all the things that go on and are going on - all the poverty and terror and wars and uncertainties and job cuts and global warming and this and that. No doubt this is a hard time. But you know, it's always been a hard time. And as much of all that there is in this world, there is also kindness and compassion and joy and sharing and love and comfort and understanding and solildarity and support... we're doing well, and so are you.

      Ok getting this out of the way right now: Today was AF. Phew. Needed that, and I am formerly back on track. Back to the old rules I have set up. The weekend was a bit rough on the rails, but zed's pulling himself back into the Mix of Mod. Not as yet resumed exercise but figure I can start tomorrow. Need to tone before the holidays. Really do want to feel as good and confident as poss going into next year... SO MUST START TMORROW.

      Looks like it's been a quiet day at the Squadron's HQ. Mid-week, and to be fair, it's only half through the day for most of you. Here I'm winding down.

      Sun, so Bombay changed to Mumbai in 1995. Very recently. I still call the place Bombay, since that's what its known to me for 2/3rd of my life. The fact is that the name change was more politically motivated... and not in a good way really... it's kind of a complicated political story (as most political stories are, and especially in India), but the point is that change to Mumbai doesn't only represent going back to a 'pre-colonial' native name, as a lot of people think. It also marginalizes other people, within India... anyway, Bombay or Mumbai. It's all good. A lot of people from Bombay still call it Bombay. And a lot prefer Mumbai. Whatever works. It's such a continent of a city in itself, with so many dreams and lives and things going on at once, a huge monstrous place filled with angels and devils and beauty and ugliness and joy and sorrow and wonder and most of all dreams, so filled with dreams, but also nightmares, that it's kind of fitting, I think, that it has more than just one name. It is a many-tentacled, many-souled, ancient place with 20-odd million people living and dying and laughing and crying every day. An island on the sea. Very beautiful. A vast coast-line on both sides of it and mountains and rivers and even a National Park with lions & big cats and jungles INSIDE the city itself, and millions of cows and elephants and dogs and cats and every creature known to man. It is a city owned by no one. It is the home of everyone. Great. I love it. So there.

      Ok, where was I? Guess it's time for bed.

      Eve, you sound well. How could you not be? So very happy to see you are enjoying yourself. Of course, the vacation WILL end and when it does, time to get back to some of the old rules. For now you are off the hook, and anyway you sound well in control so we are very, very happy for you.

      GB - hubby is coming over soon ha? I am headed to S'pore on Friday afternoon. I smile to think that your husband and I might meet, but without knowing it! How cool would that be? : ) So 2 weeks AF after this weekend is it? Ok, we'll work with you on this to keep you on the straight and narrow. Any signs of trouble, cravings, let us know. We're here for you

      J-vo dear. Yes this thing can get a bit tough. Got to read, post and close up for a while. Like Vera, what I do too is just stick to this section (Long-term Mod). I come in once a day, read up and get to the latest, then reply. Then update my DT and if I have a little more energy and time, lurk around a bit. But then close up for the day or at least until later on in the day. Yup, exactly, only so many hours in the day. And there really is LOTS to do. Including just sitting and doing nothing. Just taking a load off. Just doing nothing. I love doing nothing. Just sit and stare. Like a cow. Practicing for my next life, in which I believe I am destined to be a Water Buffalo. Those guys do nothing but stand around and stare into space. Looks very relaxing and I am all for it sometimes. In this modern world, we are conditioned more and more to think that we must always be 'doing' something... that can be hard. I hereby redefine what 'doing' means!

      Speaking of which, where is our old friend Ask?

      Deebs how you doing honey?

      Ok take care all. Renewal, what's the score? JAMMS, what's up? Let us know on the action. NY - state or city? I used to live in NYC, another lifetime ago.

      Bye all. Have a great rest of the day.

      Big deep breath. Peri, sweets, what's the word?



        Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

        Hey there Zed!
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

          Hello there Vlad! Just thinking of ya and u pop up! How's it today? Coats and scarves all on indoors? Or a bit better?


            Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st


            Good morning all.........quick question....I was asked 'what's my score' above........not sure what that we keep score of points (drinks) during the week or something? Appreciate any feedback.........


              Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

              Err, our heater's just blown up. It was weird, every time one of the sales guys moved it bleeped. He'd bounce up and down on his chair and it bleeped, when he walked past it bleeped. I tried and... nothing.

              The snow has frozen solid and it's slippy.
              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                Renewal my good man. No, "what's the score?" just meaning, "what's going on?"... a bit of street lingo there... just checking in on everyone, don't mind me. Btw, some of us do keep score. There is the Drink Tracker on this site, you could think of using it. But need to be brutally honest with it to make it work and worthwhile. That's a good way of keeping score. A bunch of us Modders use it to track our modding/ intake, including Vlad who's freezing her behind off in Lancashire England as we speak! So think about getting on the DT and keeping track there.

                hey Vlad, good start to the month for you. Averaging 2. Good on you. Keep at it girl.

                Ok guys, I'm headed to bed soon. So take good care and have a lovely day you both.

                Cheers, Z


                  Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                  Hi All,

                  Zed, good going on AF. Vlad, hope you will be warm soon. Hi to renewal, Lila, Eve, Vera, J-vo, Sun, getting and whomever I have missed.

                  I am trying out a recipe for pfferneuse today. Not sure I spelled that correctly. I am trying to come up with inexpensive gifts for the neighbors this year in lieu of wine, candy, etc.

                  Ran last night for the first time in a week and it felt great. Also did pilates. I wish modding was as easy as exercising for me! Hope everyone is doing well.


                    Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                    zed;484713 wrote:
                    hey Vlad, good start to the month for you. Averaging 2. Good on you. Keep at it girl.
                    Mmmmm... a Christmas do coming up soon as well... next Friday in fact.
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                      Hi Ducky!
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                        hi Ducky
                        that is great! I want to start exercising!
                        Hey Zed, thanks for the kind words. And the explanation about Mumbai. Mumbai sounds strange to me,like mummy. What am I going to be in my next life? OK time to get Spiritual! Maybe that will pull me out of this. Zed, what do you think I am going to be in my next life? Ha! More like what am I going to be in THIS life. Maybe someone who can get some things done today!
                        Maybe someday I will visit Mumbai/Bombay, it sounds very colorful.


                          Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st


                          Haha...Zed, 'my bad'............guess my 'lingo' needs to expand a little.......thanks for the lesson.............renewal


                            Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                            Right, I feel slightly better this afternoon -- can't shake this tiredness that has engulfed me tho but lots of sleep and good healthy food should get me back on track soon.

                            St J... from 100+ down to 18 drinks in bloody well done in my books -- a HUGE congrats for Nov!
                            I can so relate to you and your daughter butting heads. My daughter turns 14 this month and we have amazing moments together but also SCREECHING moments too lol.... I'm still searching for that damn manual!!

                            Peri, thanks for sharing with us about the father of your boys -- that must've been a very difficult time in your life, but one I'm sure you are pleased is over?
                            I'm reading a book called "A Million Little Pieces". It is about a drug and AL addict who uses and abuses anything. The story is mosty about his experience in rehab but it gives me a bit of insight as to how far I could've fallen and how eternally gratefull I am to have found this place.
                            Turkey Day ala SA Style was lovely thanks, and NO it didn't eat my poor big bird lol! Altho they are very popular here as the "healthy" red meat because the have literally no fat -- poor feathered friends.

                            GB good on you for getting the CD's out again. Stay close to the boards, we'll help you through this. Sending a huge hug your way!

                            Hi Jamms and welcome. I have seen some posts from you and look forward to getting to know you better. Advice on modding? My suggestion is to go back and read some old Mod Squad threads to see how the rest of us have set up our goals and plan and take it from there. The thing about modding is you have to have a PLAN! And revise it as you go.

                            J-Vo, it's so funny that your son said that to you -- my daughter was the same when I first joined MWO. To be fair I was on the site 24/7. Hubby also understood that this is what I needed but I didn't want to discuss what I was doing or writing with my daughter so of course it just made the site even more mysterious to her. We have made a rule at home now, no 'puters or cell phones after 6pm -- that's family time.

                            Zed aka BB, when I am thrown into those situations where the drinks are flowing freely and just stuck in front of me I too don't have the will power to just say NO. I have been put in that situation twice since the "new me" and I am still working on a plan/way out for the future -- let me know if you have any suggestions as I just know I'll be tested this festive season.
                            Kudos to you for pulling yourself up by the short and curlys LOL!!

                            Sun, of course we love you and respect you and your values. You are a gentle soul that brings guidance -- no apology needed.

                            Vera you are welcome here anytime -- would love to have a cuppa coffee with you one day. Today is miserable (matches my mood) and raining/misty all day so have finally cooled off -- yay!

                            Eve, it's wonderful to hear from you -- I am SUPER jelous that you have met the dude from "Eat, Love pray"!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all your news when you get back.

                            Hi Lila, I hope the Vit D does help. I read somewhere that if you take magnesium with Vit D it helps with the absorbtion of the Vit D. Happy thoughts coming your way!!

                            Ducky, pray tell... what is pfferneuse??!! I hear you on the exercise thing tho... i've been doing sit ups and push ups about 3 times the week and I'm super stoked to have finally reached 10 push ups without coughing up a cigarette butt!

                            Vladster, I too have a xmas doo - tomorrow in fact and I've chosen to be AF for it. It's a work doo and all the larneys from the hotels will be there. Last year I got totally shit-faced (in front of my boss) and still drove home afterwards so I don't want a repeat of that!!!
                            How's your foot feeling -- STOP SCRATCHING!!!

                            Hi Renewal!! HAHA I had to laugh at the confusion over the street lingo -- I'm sure we all feel a little befuddled at times with the different sayings here.
                            I remember a couple of months ago I was teaching Panadol SA insults in Afrikaans so she could rip off a fellow worker of hers who is from South Africa -- it had us in hysterics..... Hi Pan if you're lurking:-)
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                              Vera, I've been meaning to ask you -- how did the cut and colour turn out? My daughter just got her hair cut and after many weeks of negotiating with me I finally agreed to let her cut a fringe -- shame I think she regrets it now!
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                Mod Squad Weekly Thread December 1st

                                Good morning all!

                                I had a hard day yesterday... not feeling well. It did me no favor with this cold to be out in the wind and cold but it's part of the job. So yesterday was rough just getting my work in. I didn't do much of anything else.

                                Zed, I can imagine how hard it would be to switch to Mumbai after knowing Bombay for most of your life. The only thing I can relate to is our football stadium. I grew up knowing Mile High Stadium for the Denver Broncos, aptly named because Denver is a mile above sea level. When it came time for a new stadium to be constructed, there was much local controversy over what to name it. The locals of course wanted it to remain Mile High Stadium. The big financial player in the deal though pulled a lot of weight though and wanted it to be Invesco Stadium. It was eventually settled on Invesco Field at Mile High. The news anchors all call it Invesco but the locals still call it Mile High. Kind of funny really. A little funny I noticed during the Democratic National Convention which was held here was when Barak Obama said, "tomorrow we will meet over at Mile High Stadium". Yea, someone whispered in his ear that the locals here would love that! I did! The rest of the country could have cared less, but we got it! OK, that's different than your whole country, but it's all I have to compare it to.

                                GB it sounds like you are doing a bit better. Hang in there. You are going to do this for you and your family.

                                Lila, I hope you can get some good sunlamp time. I live in CO which is very sunny. I don't think I would fare well in areas without much sunshine. I am glad that I get outside some for my job (except when it's windy, I don't like wind).

                                Vlad, Oh my gosh, I don't like cold either, unless I can bundle up. Inside sould be warm enough that you don't have to bundle up! I hope you have lots of hot coffee, tea, chocolate, etc at least. I am thinking about some gloves with the missing fingers for typing this winter. Sometimes I just get cold hands.

                                j-vo, don't be a stranger but I do understand.

                                Vera, I love hearing from you. Like you and some others have said, I mostly only spend time on the Mod Squad as well.

                                Eve, ritzy dinners are fun one in a while.

                                Ducky, I have no idea what you are cooking but I hope it turns out yummy!

                                Renewal, that's ok, I finally had to ask what ROLF means. I sat one day and stared at LMAO before I finally got it. How are you doing today? Glad you are hanging with us.

                                Jamms, I don't think I have welcomed you yet, so a huge and warm welcome to you. I love our growing group. I get a lot from this thread. I hope that you and the other newer people do too.

                                Sun, you don't need to apologize. I love your words of wisdom. I truly do admire what you have done with your moderating.

                                DeeBee, hope you are drinking lots of water and staying hydrated. I am glad that I got my little boys out of the environment and life style their dad chose. I realized I couldn't raise them that way. And finally got it that he really wasn't going to change like I thought he would when I married him (yea I was 18 when I married him, duh).

                                St John, I don't do much exercise except yoga and walking. Although when my SD comes to visit later this month I will be going skiing with her.

                                Hi to anyone else I missed!

                                Stay strong friends,
                                periwinkle :h
                                Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic

