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Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

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    Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24


    Day 2.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

      welcome seen the light!!

      Welcome seen the light and congrats on your commitment of 30 day AL free!!:goodjob:
      You will never regret doing it. Everyday I wake up feeling better and better. Loosing weight without trying. My face is no longer puffy. You're gonna love it!

      Small child woke me up 2 hours early this morning but I am fired up and ready to go. Plan on some major spring cleaning today! But the day gets better~

      Planning a trip to Scotland and northern England this summer, going to do the passport thing today. The football club (soccer) one of my kids belongs to is going for training and some exhibition games. Since I am from a family of Mc's I had to tag along. I am really looking forward to it.

      Everyone have a great AL free day
      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


        Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

        Morning all,

        I notched up DAY 50 AF yesterday!

        I am beginning to feel like I am some sort of "danger zone". Inexpicably (to me anyway) AL has started calling again and since I have done so well I get that "must not have been as big a problem as I thought" thought. I KNOW BETTER. NOT ACTING ON THAT.

        Glad to so many Booze Busters doing so well.

        DG - Impressive A$$ kicking yesterday. You really are doing great. Love your enthusiasm.

        Hannah - back in the saddle.

        Luka, Seems, Tea glad you have joined us.

        July, good to have some long termers here. Maybe you know why AL started calling again...

        I'm sure I've missed some folks, not intentional.

        I'm off to have Day 51. Enjoy, Beck

        Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


          Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

          Good morning Booze Busters!! It's Day 12 here and in a rush to get to my Tuesday morning Chamber of Commerce get together.

          lukalee, congrats on Day 2 and onto day 3. That fugly green suit looks TERRIBLE on you! Glad you GOT BACK HERE!!

          Hannah, I'll hold your hand! I'm glad you got your a$$ back here too - green polyester is NOT for you either. I hope you found some better looking threads on your shopping spree! I can understand being nervous about the new job, but I'm sure it will all go well.

          On my way congrats on Day 7!! A basketball team of kids???? Holy moly. I bet they are all happy to spend nice evenings with you!!

          ***Waving to July and saying thanks for your support!***

          Welcome Seen the Light!! Congrats on Day 1 and onto day 2.

          Congrats barebones on 25 days. You're almost there! Don't let Al pull any tricks on you now. Snow????? I yi yi I'm ready for spring!

          tea, congrats on your day 2!!

          Well - sorry to cut and run but if I don't get a move on I will be late and have to sing "I'm a Little Tea Pot."

          Day 12 AF WHOO HOO!!!!!
          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

            Onto Day 3 again. Here I go!!!! Hannah, here's my hand. Hold on tight; it's going to be one hell of a ride!!WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO>
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

              Holding on Lukaleeeeeeeee??? so good to have these lifelines?..we?re onto day 3 here, you, me, and tea?.

              July, so nice when you drop in, gives us all such inspiration, and shows us what IS possible?.

              Well, holy mackeral, I feel crappy today. I am very grateful they didn?t call me to work today, because I would have felt obligated, but was up most of the night running back and forth to the bathroom?..yuck? of the other ladies in my building had this last week, so guess it?s my turn?

              DG - hope you didn?t have to sing ?I?m a little teapot? - although I?m sure it would make for good entertainment (meant in the nicest way, lol!).

              On my way - congrats on day 7, now 8! Not surprised your husband hasn?t noticed - seems with my own, the only things he notices are the things I?m trying to hide! (Men!) Good going - and I?m sure your kids are really enjoying the extra time with Mom.

              Seen the light - Welcome!

              Barebones - 25 days under your belt! Wow - looking forward to your celebration!!!!!!!! Be sure to holler LOUD AND PROUD when the big 30 arrives - we all love to parteeeee??.and I promise we?ll have cake and ice cream!

              Hope y?all have a good day?.
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                And Beck - how could I miss you - 51 days???!!!!!!! Gettin ready for the party.......9 days to go for your 60th! Whooeeee!
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24


                  51 days is a significant chunk of AF time. You are right to be proud of this accomplishment. Yet, it is not uncommon for the feelings you have and the allure you hear with AL calling at this time. I know of two long term abbers at mwo who had the same urgings at around 200 days AF. Neither gave in to the craving but it was a real pull for a short time.

                  I know from experience here on this thread that we have had success and setbacks at various times: 4-5 days, 30 days, 60 days. These all seem to be points where our triggers surface. On the near side I think it is the trying in the trying to go AF that wear us out. And, for others it is the experience with mods. that can cause problems. Let me be clear, some people handle mods. just fine, but for others it is just that slippery slope that brought us all together to begin with. (For me mods is not an option. I failed at one version or another of that for years.) On the far side, I think it is the commitment to living AF that brings peace and clarity to a life.

                  Be happy in your AF days and grateful for the self knowlegde you are aquiring.

                  DG, Hannah, Lukalee, on my way, tea, barebones and other friends here have a wonderful AF night.


                  Day 244 AF


                    Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                    Well guys - I woke up about 1/2 hour ago (6.15 - uk time) I didn't sleep well and have a raging sore throat but do you know what I don't care! This is still not as bad a feeling as waking up with a stinking hangover!! This is only the start of Day 2 but I have a good feeling that I will be ok today - going towards the weekend is when it will get tougher - We have been invited to friends on Saturday who will be shocked and stunned to see me not drinking - it's not going to be easy but I really want to conquer this (as I said to my other half yesterday - why do I continue to do something that makes me miserable? it doesn't make sense)

                    Really well done to all you people who have stayed AF for more than just a few days - you are an inspiration - See you here same time tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!


                      Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                      :yay::applaud::applaud::applaud:Just a very quickie today, have to dash.

                      Tea = Day 3
                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                        Good morning Booze Busters!!!

                        Congrats to luckalee, Hannah and tea who are all on Day 4 today I believe!!

                        and Beck!! Day 52 today, right? Good job. Can't wait to be where you are!!

                        Seen the light, welcome to Day 2. Hangovers really are bad! Good for you experiencing life without them now!

                        HannahB, Hearing me sing ANYTHING would be sheer torture for all but the totally deaf. I'm a little tea pot would just be slightly worse than any other song choice. With the luck of the stop lights, I made it to my meeting right on time (just!).

                        Today is another busy day with lots to do trying to drum up business. I'm really sick of whatever is making me sneeze non stop - seems like allergies. I've GOT to go get some non-drowsy allergy pills today. The ones Mr. Doggy has in the cupboard make me woozier than Vodka - I'm serious. Funny how I got used to that feeling with booze, but HATE IT with anything else.

                        Hope I didn't miss anyone since my last post - if I did please forgive me!! It's Day 13 here and I'm going to make it a LUCKY ONE despite the number!

                        * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                        Freedom ROCKS!

                        ETA: Today is 13 months anni since I quit smoking. That rocks too!
                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                          DAY NINE!!

                          Beck, July, Barebones, Hannah, Seen the Light D.G. Lukalee, Tea and others. Totally agree with July about that sneaky little feeling telling you ?yes, you can moderate?. I am assuming it will always come and go. It certainly is a slippery slope, one I really don?t want to tread on again. I have not achieved this many days AF for many years.

                          I feel a level of contented happiness I haven?t had in, well, in many years. I feel like I am catching up on years of lousy and lost sleep. Guess the old lady bod is producing endorphins again because I feel fabulous!! Seen the light, as a newbie it?s difficult for me to toss advice out there but hang on long enough and it will work for you. Also, go get some really nice fruit juice and bring it with you this weekend, trust me it helps. Being AL free is liberating, what more can I say.

                          Hope all you folks who are feeling under the weather get better soon.

                          Here?s to another great AL free day!!

                          On my way
                          Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                            Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                            Hi Booze Busters

                            Can I jump on board? Need to get over the 30 Day mark, as July said its my sticking point at the moment. Officially I'll start April AF next week but today is Day 2. That means by the end of April I'll have notched up about 37 days, that's the plan at the moment.

                            Its a beautiful day here, the sun is shining and spring is in the air. Have just had a lovely walk with the doggies and am now about to go on a hike with a friend so should be tired tonight. Hubby is away so it will be an early night with a book.



                              Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24


                              Welcome on board Rustop61.

                              Stick with the truth on what AL does to your mind and body & I'm sure you'll make 30 day plus!

                              On my way
                              Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                                Booze Busters Kick Butt - Week of 3/24

                                on my way - you ROCK that Day 9!! Kick AL's butt and take names.

                                RUSTOP!!! Good to see you again. And I like that 37 day plan of yours.

                                I feel like I am fighting a totally different demon right now with this allergy (I think) crap. I feel so shitty with the sneezing and nose / eye tickling, etc......they the woozies from the allergy pills than I can't even think about AL. I suppose that's good in some sort of way????

                                Anyway, to distract myself I'm heading to the recipe section to post a low carb THIN crust pizza recipe that low carbers aught to try near and far. If you are avoiding bread stuff...check it out.

                                Day 13 WHEEE!!
                                * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

