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July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

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    July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

    Aww, Rusty, I somehow didn't see your post earlier. Have fun in Maine! I've been to Maine a few times and I love it. It feels so fresh, crisp and clean! I'll be thinking of you and visiting Maine vicariously!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

      Rusty-Have fun in Maine!! I'd love to visit there some day...I've heard it's beautiful!! This set of furniture is actually my 3rd set I've bought...the first was with my ex...which I sold when we got divorced (because I pretty much sold anything he had touched when we first divorced :H --we get along much better now!!) which then lead to the second set I bought--which my son has pretty much destroyed the last 7ish years being himself!!! I'm thinking that he's almost 11 he may be abe to handle nice stuff around the house now....I could be wrong...I should have gotten Star's opinion before my purchase!!:H

      Cyn--I loved your singing story!! I do that all the time...mostly in the car though!! I think it's good for the soul!!

      Dill--Having the ex here is no big deal at all....we get along great! It will be the first time that he will be around J though...shouldn't be a big deal either I wouldn't think....they will get along fine...probably really well actually! Regarding drinking and my ex, he's never had a problem with drinking....we never really drank that much when we were together....once in awhile I guess...or maybe I just never thought about it??? Maybe towards the end I noticed we both started using it more to cope when I start thinking back....but no, he doesn't have any type of problem.

      Lav--are you gonna post pix of your new wheels??

      Chill--be thankful for the quiet....sit back and enjoy!! :l

      Gotta run....lots to still do today!! Hello to everyone still to come!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

        Picked up my cute little car during a thunder storm so I don't have any pics :H

        Here's a link to Chevy's website for the 2012 Cruze
        2012 Chevy Cruze | Compact Car | Chevrolet

        Going to meet my former workmates for lunch tomorrow. The husband of one of the girls just had a stroke a couple of weeks ago but he's OK. God, are we really getting that old??

        Have a great night one & all
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

          Good Night from Here with happy best wishes for your New Car, New Dog, New Lover, New Studies, New Home, New Furniture, New Travels. Tonight when I put my little zero in the drink tracker, I thought, New Me. Sing on Cyn, I also always think of you singing alone in the woods. Beautiful thought. Love, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

            Good morning everyone

            " best wishes for your New Car, New Dog, New Lover, New Studies, New Home, New Furniture, New Travels. Tonight when I put my little zero in the drink tracker, I thought, New Me".

            LBH as usual has summed things up beautifully.

            It's not raining this morning but I would not mind trading places with Rusty in Maine. We had a lot of nice holidays there while living in Montreal.

            Love the new wheels Lav, you can't beat that new car smell. My car smells of wet dog n horse:H:H

            Chill - when are you off to Rome? That will be a nice break from Rainey UK.

            My daughter is off to London this weekend debating, she's flying into Luton which is just as well as the athletics for the Olympics are flying into Heathrow so it will be crazy.

            Got loads done in the garden yesterday and hope to do more today. Will catch up later.



              July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

              Good morning gang

              LBH - I love "new" everything, especially new experiences, for me it's what life is all about.

              Lav - the new car looks great! Enjoy.

              Cyn - love the singing story, like SD I like to sing along in the car.

              Rustop - yes so far dry here too, I'm taking advantage and washing all the wet dog blankets!
              Rome sadly will have to wait, we were going to go in September when it got a bit cooler for sightseeing but I have too much uncertainty going on to make plans.

              I'm ahead of schedule with my course and will be finished in the next few weeks. Mid August my parents have rented a cottage in the Cotswolds and I'm joining them for a weeks holiday. When I get back I have the serious task of finding somewhere to live and a job. I have no idea yet where that will be or how easily I will find work. To say I'm anxious about it would be an understatement. However what the last few years has taught me is how resilient we are and I am getting better at coping with stress than ever before.

              The rents down here are much higher than Scotland but the wages no higher so I'm going to struggle to manage the bills. One luxury I won't be able to afford is a dog walker for Elle and this is causing me much heartache. She has never been left all day, Papmom how long to you leave your guys for? I'm concerned about her getting out to pee as well as the loneliness aspect. Any reassurances from all you doggy people would be appreciated.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                Good morning July friends,

                Not a hint of sun out there today. The thunderstorm that rolled thru yesterday left heavy cloud cover, fog & lots of humidity
                Glad I'm heading out later to meet my friends for lunch - they always leave me smiling.

                Chill, my big Dog Max seems to be perfectly fine when left on her own & I swear she must have a bladder the size of a gas tank :H Now the puppy is another story. When I leave the house now Matilda stays in her crate & I know she's OK for 7-8 hrs (overnight). During the day I'm usually only out for a few hours at a time. I think dogs are adaptable, like us
                I hope you enjoy your time away with your parents ~ sounds nice!

                Wet dog smell is one thing Rustop but wet chickens has to be the worst :H
                Glad you are finally getting some decent weather.

                Greetings to LBH, cyn, Dill & everyone! Where is my almost neighbor Joile? Has anyone heard from Shelley? Now I'm thinking about Sooty too.

                Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Thursday ~ nothing else is acceptable
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                  Morning all -
                  Big storms here yesterday, trees down power outages, etc. We're OK here, and after a muggy night there is a cool rain falling, which is more NE than the Hawaii weather we've been having.

                  Lav - congrats on the new car, last summer I rented a Chevy Cruze and I thought it was a terrific car - I think all the car reviewers loved it when it came out.

                  Chill - I worry constantly about my dogs, and did a lot of worrying ahead of time with this move to a different part of this corner of CT. As it turns out, things are better than I could ever have imagined. The neighbor across the street is a single woman, retired teacher, with 2 little rescue dogs. She is on a tight budget, as am I, and we've already discussed taking care of each other's dogs (stopping by for pee break or feeding) when we can. This is a huge relief, as I'm going to be gone 3 weeks in August (I have never left my dogs that long!!!!), and though their usual sitter will stay with them overnight, her workplace is far from where we now live, and I was frantic about paying double for someone to come and do the 'extras'. My neighbor has already asked me to take care of her dogs for a quick overnight jaunt, so we're off and running.

                  Anyway, the point of all this is that I was worried about things that have magically resolved themselves. You may find that similar people will pop up for you, or that your work situation will allow you to take care of her during the day, or you'll be able to put in a 'doggy door'...Also, I think dogs can do fine by themselves at home, especially if you get her used to it gradually. Maybe you'll find a neighbor that has a play-mate dog, who knows. I know that I'm the one with the major separation anxiety, not the dogs!

                  Have a great day, one and all -
                  to the light


                    July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                    Hey Jolly Jewels!! We are definitely missing some of the usual suspects!

                    Chill-my small dogs do wear belly bands so if they have to pee it's OK. They are left alone between 10 and 14 hours a day. I'm wondering if you can find someone to barter with? You have lots of skills and new ones developing that most people find expensive to take advantage of. Start networking-through your roommates, FB, anything you can think of. And of course, you never know what is around the corner in terms of money making ventures!!

                    Lav-I love your new car! You all will be so comfy in it!!

                    Rusty!! I assume you are flying into Maine and therefore will not be able to stop and say hi?????? I'm so jealous! You know its my fav state and I hope to retire there?

                    SD-enjoy your new LR suite!! I was so happy when I got my leather one in 2003. Never ever regretted it and still have it!!

                    Cyn-wasn't that weather wild yesterday?? We in Central MA totally missed it but we did get the benefit of the cold front. But jeez, Eastern MA got slammed!! Funnel cloud and everything!

                    LBH-loved your post last nite!! You are so spot on!

                    So life has thrown me a good curve-I actually got called back for a 3rd interview for the IT position at work!! It will be with the VP of the division. I have no idea if there is another person being presented as a finalist or not but I think we have gotten past the courtesy interview stage. Fingers crossed.
                    Also, last nite I mangaged to dumped my desk onto the floor and almost destroyed my laptop. I had a brief thought of crumpling into tears and a pity party but pushed past that, cleaned up the mess and assessed the damage. I broke 2 keyboard key covers and bent the spacebar but other than that it is fine. I've already ordered the replacement keys and unbent the space bar as much as possible so it at least works. Had I been drinking who knows how I would have handled the debacle. Not well I assume. Def would have been reason to have 1 or 6 more!!

                    Tonite is Burn Notice and Suits nite-my favorite!! I have also gotten through 2 library books in a week-2 more to go!
                    Have a great nite everone!!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                      Hi cyn & papmom!

                      The thunder & lightning, rain, etc moved thru here without causing much havoc. I think you guys got the bigger hit!
                      Still very humid here but not as hot, thank goodness.
                      No hens have dropped yet this summer, I am trying my best. I did lose a few each of the last couple of summers.

                      Sorry about the laptop drop papmom....I have grandklds to break my stuff :H
                      We don't need to have a pity party when something breaks, do we?
                      Great on the job interview ~ sounds promising

                      Went to meet friends for lunch so I put 40 miles on the new ride today ~ nice

                      Hope all the MIA are OK!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                        Howdy all!

                        Lav - I'm here - I'm here! Now since I live in the sticks without decent internet connections, I use a usb modem which unfortunately died on me. Had to be replaced but I fought with Verizon for more than a week over all of this. Back on line and since I prefer not to log on at work (paranoid probably but just the same . . .) I haven't been here in a while!

                        Missed you all and just now catching up on all the recent events. Lav - a new car bought by YB???? Awesome. Love all the new car stuff - the smell, the reliability - hope you enjoy your new ride.

                        Cyn - had to laugh - I watched Oklahoma a week or so ago - I was in the orchestra when our high school put this play on - love the music and of course, Shirley Jones is one of my favorite. (I'm a closet partridge family fanatic as well).

                        Papmom - best of luck - hope you get the job. It sounds promising

                        Chill - have fun with your parents on your vacation - everything will fall into place for you - please don't worry!

                        Dill, SD, LBH, Rustop, Rusty - hello to you all!

                        Was hoping to go to a local swimming pool with my mother-in-law today but the weather doesn't look promising.

                        Just watching the news and heard about the shooting in Colorado - just don't understand how these things happen. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of not only the 14 that were killed but all the others that were hurt - how tragic.

                        Hope you guys have a great day!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                          Good morning friends!

                          Apparently lost power for a while overnight, every clock in my house is blinking a different time. Strange that I didn't hear a thing.

                          Jolie, glad you reappeared
                          I get absolutely crazy when I don't have internet connection!!!! I need it for my business & even more importantly, for my sanity
                          The news of the shootings in Colorado is so sad. I can't imagine going to a movie theater only to be shot by some evil person. I will be thinking of all those involved as well.

                          It certainly does not look like a good day to go to the pool or do anything else outside for that matter.
                          I'm running to Curves now then back here to do something useful like vacuum dog hair :H
                          A granny nap just may be in order this afternoon!

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                            Morning all -

                            Soft rain here...which is just so lovely. After existing through 8 Arizona summers, the rain and all the green seems magical to me. Of course, I thought I would be a big girl and play the part of a homeowner and get a mower to use myself (we are currently paying someone with a big mower to come every other week, but it's $$, and my DIY heart wants control). So I researched, and drove 40 minutes to the closest Home Depot, came home, put it together, and went to get gas to mow in the dry afternoon yesterday...hmmm...the local gas station took a hit in the storm and had no gas! So I'm hoping for a dry break today. There is new gras in the back yard (torn up to put in a septic system) that really needs a haircut asap.

                            Pap - such good news about the interview. No matter what, getting to this level is a great boost, I would think. Great job handling the computer - I think that would send any of us over the edge.

                            Chill - forgive me if I sounded glib about the dog care -- I completely understand your worries, and I so hope it will work out. I spend lots of time in the middle of the night repeatiing L Hay's: 'the changes that lie before me...'.

                            LBH - so funny that you remembered my singing Irving Berlin to keep the bears away in Wyoming...what a succession of life stories we carry now from each other, how rich. I have been hearing that there are bears in these parts as well, so I may have to brush up on that Revue.

                            Call coming in from Germany - gotta go - be back soon - happy day all -
                            to the light


                              July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                              Good Morning Guys

                              Jolie - Good to see you! I get twitchy without internet, dont know how I survived before it was invented! So sorry to hear about the shootings in Colorado, so wish we lived in a gunless world.

                              Thank you all for your takes on leaving dogs, I know fine well she can survive without me but it doesnt stop me fretting. Anyway, Papmom, as you say who knows how it will turn out. Perfect example of worrying about stuff that hasnt even happened! :nutso:

                              We are being promised some good weather this weekend and Im going to take off and explore some other towns to consider as possibles on my list of where to live. One thing for sure, I cant live in a city, its driving me crazy! I long for green fields.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                                Late check-in for me today. I have been by a couple of times today but got interrupted before I could post. Anyway, not much to say. I guess I'm kind of in the doldrums. Going for a warm bath and a quiet evening. That should help.

                                Have a good AF Friday evening everyone!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

