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July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

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    July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

    Hi cyn, chill & Dill!

    Way too dark & damp out to do anything today & I really did not feel like vacuuming dog hair or even taking a granny nap SO:

    I made my first ever English muffins! Not bad, really
    These dark, rain soaked days get me down too Dill so I try to do something that makes me happy. I love to experiment in the kitchen. I also made a crockpot of Very Veggie Chili ~ pretty good too!

    Have a good AF night one & all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

      Good morning everyone

      Those muffins look delicious Lav, I have not had breakfast yet so tummy is rumbling.

      Off to show, it's about 3 hours away and I have rented 4x4, wish me luck. Will check in later.



        July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

        Good luck, Rustop and have fun!

        Lav those muffins look perfect! I must say, I never even thought of making English muffins, but now you have me curious about it. I'll have to try it soon. Unfortunately I got on the scale this morning and it seems I have gained back every pound I fought so hard to lose! Grrrr! Maybe I should try making the Very Veggie Chili instead!

        I'm off to my to do my Saturday morning routine. Have a great af Saturday!

        LBH, how was the wedding?

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

          Good morning kids

          Not raining at the moment but still quite cloudy. I won't bitch though because it's cool out there!

          Good luck today Rustop!
          Hope you can steer around the mud today.

          Dill, I seem to be maintaining my current weight even though I would really love to lose about 10 more lbs. The Very Veggie Chili was good at only 264 cal/serving, low fat.
          Crockpot Vegetable Chili - Easy Vegetarian Crockpot Chili Recipe - Easy Vegetarian Crockpot Slow Cooker Recipe - Easy Vegan Crock Pot Chili

          I played around with KAF's English muffin recipe.....
          I don't have a bread maker so I just make the dough the old fashioned way. I substituted white whole wheat flour for most of the bread flour & non-dairy alternatives for the milk & butter so in my mind the muffins are healthier with fewer calories & won't cause me any grief.
          Breakfast Sandwich Muffins: King Arthur Flour

          I really need to get outside to clean up my flower beds.....soooo many weeds.
          Have a great AF day everyone
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

            Very late check-in today and I don?t have the energy to do much more than visit the Drink Tracker. I must say, however, that those muffins of yours, Lav, are gorgeous?that sounded funny?is this the part where I add, ?oh and so are the ones you baked?? The ?wedding? was surreal, Dill, it was huge, people everywhere, a slick, glitzy ?mega church? with movie screens, sequins, and surround sound, just like on TV; I knew not a single soul except for the adorable, gently soft spoken twenty-year old groom who invited me. At times I felt more like a cultural anthropologist than a guest, the world was so unknown to me, but the groom has the sweetest spirit, and it was really fun getting dressed up a la ?Mad Men? in a satin sheath, ropes of pearls, and a French ?twist?, a good cover story for my wicked Devil?s Heart. I am glad you guys are getting some rain to relieve the drought and hope that Rustop is not washing down those Irish roads with too much of it, pony in tow. Off to unwind a bit more. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

              Good morning everyone

              We were not washed down the country roads LBH, weather was nice for a change. Very looong day though, they did not get in the ring till 7.30pm. It was really busy, probably because of all the cancellations. Worth the wait though they won. I was so pleased for her, she puts in so much effort and nearly always gets placed, 2nd, 3rd etc but a lot of the judges prefer the heavier Connemara ponies so it was the first time they won. Did not get home till after midnight and had to be at airport at 8 this morning. A nap is definitely called for.

              Having coffee now to stay awake and am going to catch up on all the posts. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.



                July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                Good Morning Everyone

                Rustop - Congrats to your daughter, she must be delighted! Yes we have a respite from the rain too and today looks even better than yesterday.

                LBH - Your wedding sounds so chic! The type we see in our glossy magazines.

                Lav - I love veggie chilli and must make it more often. How are you enjoying the new car?

                Dill - I dont think women are ever happy with their weight. I have lost quite a lot recently and dropped a size for the 1st time in 30 years but instead of enjoying it I obsess about putting any back on! Because eating is something we have to do daily its always a battle.

                Well I drove miles yesterday and checked out half a dozen towns. My fav is still Leamington Spa but the rentals there are so expensive Im not sure I could ever afford to live there. Im off to check out some cheaper towns today but know before I go they will fall short of my expectations.

                Have a wonderful Sunday folks.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                  Morning all!

                  Chill-your town is out there waiting for you to discover it. Just like in house hunting, you may have list your must haves and can do withouts and then reprioritize again and again. What you must have today, you may find that you can live without tomorrow if it means 95% of what you must have can be attained.

                  Rustop=congrats to your daughter on her win! That is so fab and I'm so happy the weather cooperated for a change.

                  I sure hope Rusty is having the Maine time of her life!! My sis and hubby were up in Freeport last nite at the free LL Bean concert at Bean Park. Martin Sexton. They stay over and since it is an absolutely gorgeous day, I'm sure they are taking full advantage of their almost empty nest. I can see them walking the beaches or exploring new towns on their way home. Sigh. They are living the dream these days but they've earned it. I on the other hand keep fighting and struggling and will never be in their shoes.

                  Lav-what's on tap today?

                  Dill-I hope you've been able to come up from the doldrums. I know the feeling, believe me.

                  LBH-what a magical evening you must have had! The chance to study another way of life!! I'm glad you were able to go. Did Mr. LBH go with?

                  Nice day yesterday. Didn't go to my breed club meeting on the lake as it was my one day off thanks to my Boss's lack of planning. I got little projects done and ran some errands. Also spent some time on the deck in the sun reading while the dogs frolicked in the hose spray or sniffed and explored or just laid there and relaxed. Also broke down, shook my fears away and turned on the grill for the first time in a year! Every year I procrastinate and get convinced its going to blow up in my face!! never happens thank god. I now have 4 marinaded chicken breast and 5 pork tenderloin peices in the freezer. All I need to provide now is salad and a carb if I even want one. Corn is at its peak now so I'll probably pick some up today on my way home from work.

                  gotta run so I can eat brekkie and get ready to leave by 10.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                    Good morning July friends!

                    LBH, sounds like you had quite an experience
                    Glad you liked my muffins :H
                    I never knew that these muffins are done on a griddle & not baked! Go figure!!!! I'm plotting & planning my next batch & will add some flax meal & even more white whole wheat flour - yum.

                    Rustop, I award you the Mom of the Year Award
                    Congrats to your daughter on her win & blessings n you!

                    Chill, I wish you luck in finding the right place for your next move. I know it can't be easy for you & I honestly don't know where I'm going to end up either. We built this house thinking this was going to be our 'last stop' - apparently not

                    papmom, I think your boss needs a swift kick to his seat area, seriously! Sorry you have to go in to work today. I need to get YB to replace the starter on the grill. That fecker never wants to start for me & I love grilling outside, corn, zucchini, etc, yum

                    My plan is to get outside to yank more weeds & try to avoid the PI.
                    Matilda will be spayed tomorrow & I have to drop her off at the Vet at 8:30 tomorrow morning - fun times :H

                    Have a great AF day everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                      Hi Chill, LBH, Rustop, Lav, Pmom, nice to hear so many goings on.

                      LBH, it sounds like the wedding was interesting to say the least. I know what you mean about feeling like a cultural anthropologist. I had the same experience a few weeks ago when I travelled to Tennessee for Mr. D's step-grandmother's funeral. She was a devout Southern Baptist and the preacher took the opportunity of her passing to try to save any souls in need. He became so animated I was expecting him to start speaking in tongues! There were country gospel songs sung by her children and grandchildren and good church ladies providing a huge spread in the church hall and Tennessee accents all around. She was a fine woman and lived to the ripe old age of 91.

                      I'm off to visit family in Cleveland and will be spending one night. Enjoy an AF Sunday everyone!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                        Good going Rustop on the competition. Hey Pap, I too used to cringe, hunched over, one shaking hand darting up with the lighter for the grill after it did give me quite a blast one year. I had not used it in an few weeks and a spider had built her web blocking a gas jet. Now I use it at least once a week even in the snow (it is fortunately close to the kitchen door and connected to natural gas so no bottles), and I am good terms with the spiders. Dill and Lav, I think you understood perfectly my evening at the wedding, half fascinating and half creepy, quite a number of those folks seem to have a lot of thinly repressed hostility beneath all those dramatic alter calls, mascara, and boatloads of money. I am really glad they don?t drink, could be scarier. I hope you find your new home soon, Chill, you will make it your home. I hope also that you will very soon be able to incorporate your studies into your career path, you are such a natural at helping others heal. There will be an increasing market for your knowledge and credentials as our populations age and our awareness grows. Speaking of health, I am with others looking at body weight these days and finding the scale does not want to move (at all) in spite of exercise and good nutrition. I am technically not overweight at 5?5? and 122 but my bones are narrow and I look and feel far better in the mid teens. So time for more mindfulness with food and perhaps looking at the ?math? to see where I am off. Right now I am off for piles of melons and blueberries followed by huge garden tomatoes, basil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and slices of fresh mozzarella (that vat of cheese could be a clue:H). Also, a movie. I shall not eat the movie. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                          Good morning July friends!

                          Dark & damp here once again, oh well.
                          Sporting yet another case of poison ivy........this is a seious pain in the butt
                          I am surrounded by the darn stuff, can't avoid it even though I try.

                          LBH, your description of folks at the wedding with thinly repressed hostility brought a large knowing smile to my face. You just described YB's entire family - a group of creepy individuals
                          I am profoundly jealous of your scale right now! I need to get myself back to 122 lbs as well........
                          Hope you didn't eat the movie :H

                          Getting ready to drop Matilda off for her day surgery. I hope everyone has a terrific AF Monday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                            Hi Everybody,

                            I'm home from my wonderful vacation in Maine. The weather was perfect every day, I saw lots of my relatives, and took long walks along the shore with my sister. Also did a little shopping. It was a joy to forget about work and just concentrate on relaxing...which was very good for my neck. I find now that since I've been out of the automotive world, that my neck and back are feeling much, much better. One side note about the mom's brother.....her favorite brother, and the oldest of the 7 children, is 89, with congestive heart failure. He still drinks hard booze every day, and proclaimed on Friday afternoon..."I LOVE MY BOOZE!!!!" the wedding reception Saturday night, he sat at our table.....and got really wasted and started acting stupid...and saying crude things. Fortunately, he did not do this in front of my mother....but my sister and I just sat there and shook our heads. Fortunately, it did not dampen my grateful AF and celebratory mood.

                            LBH-so you went to a wedding at a Las Vegas church? I've never been to one but know people who go to a church like that....all the glitter and the fanfare. I bet you looked beautiful in your dress. I, too, am jealous of your scale as I weighed 122 lbs. for years.

                            Lav-your English muffins looked yummy. I hope Matilda's surgery goes well.

                            Pap-I keep hoping the job situation turns around. I thought of you when my family and I went out to lunch and they were noshing on lobster rolls.

                            Rustop-congrats on the win at the show.

                            Chill-:l Leamington Spa.....what I woudn't give to go back there. Knowing you, you will make it work out.

                            I am back at work today and feeling like my batteries have been recharged fully. A big hello and hugs to Dill, Star, Jolie, Cyn, and anyone I may have missed....have a great AF Monday!


                              July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                              Morning, all -

                              Best wishes to Matilda, Lav, hope she comes through well! So sorry about the poison ivy. I've always wanted to learn to do crumpets on the griddle...
                              Rustop, I second whomever anointed you Mom of the year -- you are amazing. At one point I learned how to drive a fishing boat in tow, and the backing-up-of-it was always a severe mental/physical challenge for me. I can't imagine a pulling a live creature behind me, I would be undone...
                              Chill - good luck in your town search - as PMom says, your place is waiting for you. I also agree that Healing sounds like a great there nothing in the Spa towns for employment, once you have your nutritionist credentials? That would be so ideal, even if you just lived in a near-by town.

                              On Saturday I survived another round trip to Newark to get Mr Tree, and even found a round-the-barn but relatively calm and sane way to go, though it's a little longer. Worth it!

                              OK, you gals must give me grill 1001. I am pushing myself to learn all these things, since I will be mostly alone in the coming months. I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone one thing at a time...I got ridiculously proud of myself on Saturday when I put together my newly-purchased lawn mower, started it, and mowed. I wanted to do an end-zone dance and spike the ball. The dogs thought I had lost my mind, first from the mowing, then from my celebration. Another time it was good the neighbors don't have direct contact with our house!

                              Thunderboomers, lightning and rain at the moment...better go unplug things! Wishing all a good day -
                              to the light


                                July's Jolly Journey--Week 3

                                X-post, Rusty! So glad that you have your batteries recharged, you so deserve that. How interesting that your body is responding to this new schedule and work life so positively.

                                LBH - I too would love a pic of you in your classic sheath! Your soft-spoken groom sounds a little out of place in the glitter and surround-sound...hope he knows what he's getting in to...though he obviously has good taste if he chose to have you attend...maybe you were his anchor for the evening, you never know.

                                cheers all -
                                to the light

