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    Hey everyone :new:
    Ive been lurking as you call it for 6 days now...found this website when I was searching for ideas to help me control my drinking a bit.
    I think it is amazing! - you guys are all so supportive and posivite, you have inspired me so much!!
    I went 4 days A/F then had two small wines with dinner last night and plan to have the same tonight (its the weekend here)
    My goal is to leave drinking till the weekend (unless there is a special occasion during the week - at which i will try to have no more than 2 drinks max)
    Then depending on what I have planned for the weekend - go from there.(Although I really want to stay at 3 drinks max - as its SO great not feeling hungover!)

    I am like a few of you here....I cannot seem to stop at 1 or 2 drinks so I would just rather not start during the week at all. I usually drink up to a bottle of wine a night during the week and that plus more on the weekends......So going 4 days A/F then sipping away at two small glasses last night was a big accomplishment for me and I am proud

    All youre posts and advise have really helped me and inspired me!!...Ive ordered the L-Glut and hopefully it will arrive soon, so am looking foward to starting that too

    Thanks so much for listening - am looking foward to getting to know you all
    Patience is never more important...than when you are on the verge of losing it....
    ....Try to be aware of your mood changing and your patience slipping - it could save you from doing something that you regret!

    :catroll: :catroll: :catroll: :catroll:




      I'm very similar to you. I tend to be AFSunday-Thursday and then allow myself to drink Friday and Saturday.

      I believe the AF times really helps decrease the tolerance we have for AL because I can definitely get a nice warm feel-good buzz on 1 drink after being AF and then sometimes allow a 2nd as a night cap. I allow myself up to 3 but personally think 3 is too many so I'm striving for no more than 7 drinks per week which is what the NIAAA recommends for healthy drinking but am currently following Moderation Management guidelines which are more liberal for me (9 a week for women) as I was getting discouraged when not meeting goals and was sinking.

      Come over to Long Term Moderators and get on board with our Ruby Tuesday thread.
      The monthly thread has a ton of info and everyone welcomes newbies with open hearts.
      A lot of folks don't come here to monthly mods so you may not get a ton of responses.
      Don't take it personal. Just come on over to where we all hang out!

      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

      ~Jack Welsh~:h

      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

