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AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

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    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

    Barbara you are doing great. Thanks for the article link. That icecream sounded good!!!
    You are doing great with the weight loss. 5 pounds more will make a big difference- I don't eat after my dinner, also don't have carbs with dinner. Eats lots of protein & salad- all helps. Weighed myself today on my scales at work- am doing better than I thought. Am down 7 pounds since I came here in June, only 20 more to go! If I can stay off the sugar I will make lots more progress.
    Lets aim for 2 pounds a week with very healthy eating & lots of exercise. No sugar or junk. Keeps is starting the August AF thread- lets all get even more fabulous together!
    SJ xxx :groupluv:

    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

      I'm in for that! 2 lbs. per week should be doable.
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

        Hi All:
        I am up for the August challenge. Had a nice day. Biked around our City park and then took in the Fireworks. It was a fantastic show. Nothing like fresh air, exercise and fireworks. Looking forward to rising with no hangover and running 12kms with my group. Doing okay but still anxious around 5pm.
        Looking forward to your support over the next month. Keep up the good work ladies.
        Don't worry, be happy!


          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

          Hello my darling fabulous pinksters!!! I am back and boy have i missed you. I still remember my very first post here on 1st June when we all got together and i am inspired by reading back on your amazing journeys. I can see like me you have had challenges to overcome and tough issues to deal with but you are still here! Glam am loving that you love the Alisa Frank CD and the clean and lean, its so good when you recommend something that works for someone else too - yay! Well i for one am going to kiss July goodbye, I am going to start a new AF thread for August as modding in July was nowhere near as satisfying as AF June, so hope you will jump in but you may prefer to keep this thread going so i will check in i you do! Lets have a fat blitzing(SJ) AF, clean and lean August girls, xx Lets JUST DO IT in August, 31 days here I come xx
          Keeps x:happyheart:


            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

            Hi Pinksters,
            Keeps I have just posted my goals on the Awesome August thread- lets all go there & hang out! :groupluv:
            Hope you are all having a great Sunday- the last day of July. Has been a very interesting month- modding certainly hasn't worked well for me. Am concentrating on being AF now- not thinking about if it is forever now. Want to do 30 days, then some more.
            Had a lovely time at the drinks party last night. Had my fizzy water in a wine glass with a wedge of lime, ice & fresh mint- looked a bit like the cocktail they were drinking but it was what I wanted to drink. No-one noticed & it didn't bother me at all. Enjoyed some lovely seafood & raw vegies. Was nice to talk to lots of people & remember every word I said- no cringing when I woke up this morning. And no hangover! I am listening to Amy Winehouse today- she died on my Day 1. She reminds me what a waste of a life AL is. She was fabulous.
            I did have a few moments when I was wondering who to speak to next & had moments of low confidence- only moments though. Was there without my hubby as he was busy with our boys. I had my 10 year old daughter with me who was a bit bored at times. Was great to be able to walk out when I wanted to & not when I had 'Just 1 more drink'. Also great to be able to drive. I found myself more comfortable with the people who don't drink much, also the ones who were getting stuck into the wine were all together- getting a bit loud as I was leaving. That would have been me- thinking I was having a great time.

            Think I might clean some windows- have so much energy today. Then I do whatever I feel like- because I can. :crazymonkey:

            Happy Sunday everyone.
            SJ xxx :groupluv:

            'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

              hiya all you wonderful pinksters. I am back from hols and motivated to get AF and clean & lean - thanks Keep Walking. I managed 24 days AF in July then thought I would indulge over my hols - I really wish I hadn't. Ended up drinking gin and not enjoying it and read wine. Caused a couple of rows with hubby and a lot of aggro with my daughter.
              SJ as always you motivate me and keep me going! Am going straight now to the awesome August link to post my goals. Am off to Spain with my sister in 3 weeks time and plan to loose 10lbs AF and Clean and Lean.
              Thanks everyone.


                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                Good Afternoon Pinksters!

                All I can say is WOW since I upped my L-Glut to 4500 mg. No sugar cravings whatsoever. I read I can even up it more, I think I will try to find the powder like the body builders use because the 500 mg. capsules can be too costly.
                Ugh! overindulged with humus and jicima today. Jeez, how funny to think I'm complaining about that after coming back from AL hell....:H
                Thought I would take Sundays off from exercising but guess what? I felt guilty, so I did lower body and elliptical.
                Ready to kick August in the butt totally AF and healthy eating, up the exercise......we rock!
                Day 71 today. Going to have another MWO party for my 90th day. Day 60 party was a success! Thank you all for posting.
                Glamorous good to see you back. Hi Keeps, Blues SJ, everyone! Let's keep this thread going as well as the other. Have a great AF Sunday!
                THOUGHTS become THINGS
                choose the GOOD

                AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............

