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AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

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    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

    Hi Pinksters,

    Just checking in day 43 AF for me!!!!
    Went to a July 4th party on the river. Lots of drinking going on, then off to a river side bar for dinner. Margaritas for all (except me!).
    This was my first party where I didn't feel ANY stress about going. No stress saying no to AL. Home at 10:00 into jammies and watchin' TV.
    Looking forward to a hangover free Monday. I'm not afraid of you anymore AL......:bat
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

      JUst a quick chat. Day 39 AF for me. I am just about to entertain in my home my first night with AL in my house, it will be right under my nose. I know I will not drink but I would be lying if I said that I am not missing it at the moment.

      On the physical side it is easy to give up it is the mental and the spiritual side that is the hard work for me.

      They are here just coming down the driveway wish me luck it will be intresting???????


        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

        Hi Pinkies! Congras Barbara on your SUCCESS yesterday staying AF! You must feel great being sober and unhungover today. Mia - YOU CAN DO IT! Your good feelings about getting through this day AF will be FAR better than any temporary high (followed by The Crash) from AL. THINK PINK!

        Daily - I finally go so sick and tired of feeling crap and having day 1's that I finally drug my butt back on the wagon for good. You can do it too!

        Blues - I hear ya on "success" with the kisses & cookies. My big problem is the whole bag too. Congrats!

        Hi to everyone else!


        Food: On plan. (by the skin of my chinny chin chin, but I'll take it!):yougo:
        Exercise: 19,294 Steps

        For the week:

        Food: 1/7
        Steps: 19,294 / 100,000
        Strength: 0/3

        Onward into the new day!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

          Hi Pinksters,
          Just lost my first big post so will do it quickly again.
          I am back to Day 1 again- planning on making it 3rd time lucky. Was having a great weekend but am surprised how easily I can convince myself that a glass of wine is a good idea. But 1 glass turned into the entire bottle in about an hour. Just felt really low & pissed off when I got back from the beach yesterday with the kids. I think now that I was probably hungry from my healthy eating. Should have had a piece of the cake I had made instead- would have been far less poisonous!
          I am finding that drinking is much like smoking used to be- loving the first one or 2 then not being able to stop. I love the first hour or so & then have to keep going. That's addiction I suppose. I am not giving myself a hard time- just really realising that I have a problem with it & have to find other ways of getting through the tough times- they will always be there.
          Every time I drink I seem to have complete amnesia to what the outcome will be. I need to have a rest now because I feel so tired & dont trust myself to go to collect kids later.
          Hope you are all doing well. Daisy we are Day 1 together again- lets make this a very memorable 4th of July.
          SJ xxx :groupluv:

          'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

            Think Pink!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that.
            Hey guys starting over, SJ, I can't say enough about the hypnotherapy CD's. I think they are over 90% of my success. Don't know what it is, but my brain is being rewired and there is no doubt. I have tried to quit drinking for over 10 years and started over and over again.
            I wish you would try them. It's far less expensive to invest in them than buy the booze.
            I got mine from a member here because at the time, I couldn't afford them. I am sure there are other senior members that would give them to you.

            I fall asleep every night to them. They are subliminal messages, so all you hear is water but I put them on a continuous loop while I sleep and I am listening to non-AL messages all night. You can use headphones too.
            What have you got to lose?
            Does anyone know what the supplement is that Roberta Jewell mentions in the book to lose weight? She goes on and on about it, and I can't see where she mentions it. Ugh! I have to say there are some things about that book that just aggravate me.
            THOUGHTS become THINGS
            choose the GOOD

            AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

              Hi Pink sisters, you are all doing really well. SJ put yesterday down to one of your allowed days and start again which is exactly what you have done, perhaps the clean and lean diet is a bit harsh for you when you are trying to abstain, like the pinksters have said its hard enough to give up A let alone deprive yourself of other treats??? Also they recommend taking chromium supplements if you like your sugary stuff ladies as it helps to break down the sugar and spped up your metabolism so might be worth a try?? Keep strong, and as Barb says think pink xx SJ hopefully see you on the other thread later xxxx
              Keeps x:happyheart:


                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                L-Glutamine is our friend for a little help fighting sugar cravings - including the jet fuel of all sugars, AL. For me, the capsules are a fart in a windstorm. Determinator and others convinced me to buy the big jugs of powdered L-Glutamine and take it by the grams. Like the body builders do.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                  Hi everyone. I'm so glad to be back with you all. Feels like coming home! Sarajane, yes, lets make Independence Day our final Day 1!
                  Don't feel or look good today but as we all know that changes as soon as alcohol is kicked out of our lives. I've had a bit of a rough ride this month and drank.......
                  Did it help? Not at all. Just brought alcohol and all its problems right onto my doorstep again.
                  I keep thinking you will all get sick of me; here comes Mrs Day One again! So thank you all for your support. Try, try and try again.......
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                    Happy 4th of July Pinksters.....SJ and Daisy - I hate to say this but I'm on Day 1 again too and irritated with myself. The thing that I noticed was that I didn't even enjoy the wine and it made me tired! I know this is a process but I can't wait to have no more Day No. 1's. Oh well....I can't think of a better day to quit than Independance Day.....freedom from AL and all the BS that comes with it!


                      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                      Hey WineSucks, it would be worse if you didn't come back to Day 1! We are in this together. Like you, even last night was drinking wine and not really enjoying it, but still not happy until 2 bottles polished off. Why? Once I start drinking, the moderation thing just will not happen; I seem to go on a 'self-destruct' mission.
                      I can't wait to get a few days AF again so that I can at least look a bit better; eyes all heavy and puffy, unmotivated, and the rest......not a pretty sight today. On days like this I am so happy none of us can see each other....haha!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                        I love THINK PINK!
                        I also love that there are 3 of us Independent gals going for it together.
                        Am going to get some more L-glutamine tomorrow- need to take a bigger dose of the powder & to take it everyday- even when I think I am ok.
                        Chromium never does much for me- cinnamon works better for me.
                        I am going to try to get the CD's- will see if anyone has them to pass on. They will help me to relax as well.
                        I am feeling oddly optimistic- which is weird as I still feel the effects of last nights wine.
                        Will check back in the morning with all the think pink girls.
                        SJ xxx :groupluv:

                        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                          Good morning Pinksters.
                          Today will be my 14th day AF. Unheard of. Doing well on the weight loss front too - 5.5lbs in the last week. Am trying really hard. Wide awake at 5am this morning, bright and alert. So wonderful not to wake up feeling fuzzy and sluggish.
                          SJ you are an amazing woman and a great help and inspiration to me. I put my 14 days AF down to meeting you! Think I need to make this site my early morning reading to keep me inspired for the day.
                          Need to increase the exercise to help my weight loss as go on hols in 10 days.
                          Feeling inspired and motivated, but know I need to take one day at a time.


                            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                            Well done pinks, where is Blues, everything OK???
                            Keeps x:happyheart:


                              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                     3757[/video]]YouTube - ‪JIMMY THACKERY - "BIG LONG BUICK"‬‏


                                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                                Here's your blues baby!

