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AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

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    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

    I'm in. I slipped the first couple of days in July but I missed waking up feeling good and being able to run with my group on sunday morning without a hangover. I have lost 9and a half lbs so far. A couple more wouldn't hurt. I have got a new pink running top and new baby blues running shoes. I am ready to do this!!! Good luck all.
    Don't worry, be happy!


      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise


      Well done to all of us staying AF today :goodjob: Feels so good to wake up and know that we can drive anywhere, or do anything we want because we beat the demon today!

      So what did everyone do today? I did nothing I am tired and my legs are aching so I just relaxed on my DAY 40 AF! :H

      But I am going to put my HOT PINK running shoes on tomorrow and take you all with me! :l

      Where is BLUES DANCER? Are you OK? :l

      So I might check in later going to have my yummy dinner that I have had in the slow cooker all day! YUM!


        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

        Hi Pinksters,
        RFL so glad you are here- I am Day 2 again now. Was so pleased to wake up fresh & energetic this morning. Yesterday I felt horrible after a bottle of wine the night before. I think when the body gets pure it can't handle the abuse!
        Have done a great strength session this morning with my resistance bands. Will run 4 miles tomorrow morning. Have a busy day at work ahead of me but am looking forward to it because I feel so well.
        Mia what is in that slow cooker?
        Glam you are amazing with the weight loss- you are going to be amazing for your holiday.
        To everyone else- have a great day, I will check back later when I have a minute.
        SJ xxx :groupluv:

        'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

          So glad you are feeling better Sarah on your day 2 AF. That stuff is really POISON!

          My dinner was Pea and Ham soup all organic no fat what so ever. I put potato, celery, carrot, sweet potato. garlic, bay leaves, cummin, organic yellow split peas and organic ham that I bought at the markets.
          Delicious enjoy your run tomorrow. We run together OK xxxx


            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

            Hi Pink Team!

            Mia, I just ordered a couple new crock pot cook books so I can make more use of that tool. I've always thought of it as a winter thing, but hey - why not in the summer too? I get up really early in the AM and that is my peak of energy. By dinner time, I am dragging and thinking of bed! Too many times I'm tired and don't feel like cooking at that time of day, so end up eating crap. The crock pot is my friend too, and I'm going to use it more even in the summer.


            No Junk: On plan - 2nd day in a row.

            Steps: 22,258. For the week: 41,552/100,000

            Strength: 0/3 for the week.

            I recently bought a kit of resistance bands. Today I'm going to get out the DVD's and start figuring out my workouts.

            I'm glad to be part of this challenge! It's helping me stay on track.

            I get an e-newsletter from a bodybuilder coach Tom Venuto. He often says stuff that not only relates to exercise but for me, also relates to the AF journey. Here is a quote from his last newsletter that I really liked - some of you might like it too:

            They say you will only change when the pain of remaining the
            same is greater than the pain of changing.
            To get my life back, I had to change my drinking. My drinking life became too painful to bear. Now I want to be as fit as is reasonable for my age and the time I have to give it. Feeling like a sausage in my clothes is definitely painful for my ego!!!!

            Thinkin' pink,
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

              THINK PINK AND DON'T DRINK !

              Morning Pinksters.....All I can say is, off work for 4 days.....drink for 4 days. I am so disgusted with myself. Day 1 !

              DG. I love that the quote you posted from Tom Venuto:

              "They say you will only change when the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of changing. "

              I typed it up real big, printed it, and will repeat that quote at the witching hour every night .

              Had a real nice bike ride yesterday with my husband and son. I felt like a tourist in my own town. Biked on back roads we have never been on, and watching all the boats in the lake and people sitting out on their lake front homes. Just beautiful. Too bad the evening didn't end beautiful :upset:

              Running outside with a colleague this afternoon. He may just have to carry me......

              Miss O.
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                I'm here!! Doing great. Sorry, ladies I forgot to tell you I'm on holiday. Sunday I did 30 min cardio and consumed 1200 calories. Yesterday was a recovery day so no exercise and I am on holiday so I did let myself eat whatever I wanted. Still AF. Day 7 or 8 I think. Who's counting when you feel so good! Off to the hotel gym before hitting the sights. Will try to read through and catch up later.
                Xxxx Blus
                AF since 06/27/2011

                Of all vices, drinking in the most imcompatible with greatness. Sir Walter Scott


                  AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                  Hey Blues; good to hear from you. You woooshed in there like a big healthy gust of 'fresh air'! Glad you are feeling so good. Harness that feeling!!!!
                  To all you other Pinksters, hope all going well. As you know I have bowed out this past week on a drinking spree! On day 2 again and only starting to come round and feel a little bit ok again. As soon as I drink all the good stuff I do disappears; takes me a few days to get back on track!
                  Will get my first swim in tomorrow. Will go for 64 lengths.......start as you mean to go on? No, Usually do 50 but have to teach myself a lesson........
                  Looking forward to joining you all again. Love being back here with you girls. We'll have to keep this Pink, Just Do It vibe going!!!!!!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                    Thinking Pink before bed!
                    Had a very busy evening at work- am just home at 11.30pm. Will get up at 6.45am for a run before taking my 14 year old to his sailing course- a nearly 2 hour round trip. Then it is home for some more work & then taking the other kids to town for the afternoon.Then maybe the beach if its nice & off to a football match with my 12 year old. Now I couldn't do that with a hangover!
                    Will check back tomorrow- hope all you pinksters are doing great. Blues have a great holiday- you sure sound busy.
                    Daisy dont wear yourself out in the pool- you dont need to punish yourself- this is a journey & we are all learning. Day 3 tomorrow for us.
                    SJ xxx :groupluv:

                    'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle


                      AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                      Hey Pinksters.......Day No. 2 here almost over and I feel good. Looking forward to Day No. 3and making some progress. I plan on hitting the gym in the morning before work. SJ....I'm trying to get up to 4 miles. How long does it take you to run it? Went for a bike ride tonite with my's hotter than hell here but I felt good. This thread is so inspiring to me and I'm thankful I found it. It's nice to know that we are all working toward the same goals....I'm going to get a hot pink shirt.

                      Also........has anyone tried the running skirts yet? I'm starting to see them alot lately but was wondering how comfortable they are.

                      Have a great evenng ladies!


                        AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                        Hi Everyone,

                        Been so busy with work. You guys are doing great! Blues, SJ,Daisy, Miss O, anyone I missed?
                        Hope you all had a happy July 4th. I watched the fireworks at Liberty Island in NY on TV, since that is where I am from (NY). Been to see Miss Liberty plenty. What a wonderful show. Beyonce sang and I flipped back and forth to watch Josh Groban sp?(Love him).
                        45 days AF! I find I think about it less and less. But the problems come when I am around people who don't know I stopped drinking, and they offer me wine.
                        I still have to make up excuses, or go over their houses in the morning when it's too early for booze, (well normally it's too early, although I have been known to whoop it up in the mornings).
                        I have realized it's going to be a lifelong "thing" for me. Oh well, so be it. I feel great!
                        Have you guys ordered the CD's yet, Daisy and SJ, I was just curious.

                        Everyone have a great AF evening. I have to start back at the elliptical machine in the morning. I usually do 3 miles, but I have been a slug............wish me luck. I have found it gets so much harder if you stop exercising. I'm so mad at myself because I quit exercising because I was soooo tired detoxing. Seems like you just can't have everything at once.....ugh!
                        THOUGHTS become THINGS
                        choose the GOOD

                        AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                          AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                          HI PINKSTERS!!!! OH dear I have fallen over twice this week! One time when I was going to sit down and type to you all here when I was going to sit down my chair was not there and I landed on my bum! Then at work the other day I tripped over nothing and I landed on my bum again and I was not even drunk! Makes you wonder what is going on?

                          Anyway my back has been jolted so no excercise for a couple of days. BUT on the up side I have booked in a Hour and a half massage tomorrow and half an hour! Then in a detox box sweat and more sweat so my body will still be exercising. I cannot wait for my massage!!!!

                          BLUES glad you are good and sober what a grand life to feel the fresh air on our faces again!!!!! xxxxx


                            AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                            Hello all you Pink Ladies:
                            Day 2 for me and a bit of a struggle at the witching hour but I made it through. Ran with my group, it is feeling so much better. Winesucks, running skirts are awesome. I have two. Great when the weather is hot and not just for running. They are perfect for travelling too.
                            Sounds like you are all doing awesome. I am inspired to keep going.
                            Thanks for being there.
                            Don't worry, be happy!


                              AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                              Good Morning Ladies.........Back from the gym and ran 3.2 miles (still hoping to push it to 4 miles soon). Day 3 for me and I feel great. Getting ready to make a protein shake and get ready to head to the office. Hope everyone has a great day!


                                AF July, No Junk, Lots of Exercise

                                Hi Pinksters,
                                Day 3 & feeling good.
                                Got up & went for a run in the pouring rain- but actually enjoyed it. Am on week 4 of my 24 week marathon training program & have to just get my butt out of the door no matter what. The only thing that stops me is AL.
                                WS- not sure how long 4 miles takes me as I dont time myself- but I am not fast. I also stop at the beach so Bob can chase the seagulls in the waves.
                                I am doing a bit of sprint work- running as fast as I can for short distances.
                                Finally have my book- Clean & Lean Diet, so have started Day 1 of the 14 day quickstart. But am going to be careful not to get too hungry as that leads to sugar & AL cravings.
                                Must fly- catch up later.
                                SJ xxx :groupluv:

                                'We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.' Aristotle

