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Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

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    Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

    Just checking in with my fellow NON SMOKERS!!!! We Rock!!!! Change, sounds like a doctor visit might be a good idea. Sometimes a little help in the antidepressant dept isn't all bad!

    It will be 10 months for me the first of the month--I still can't believe it. It is def easier, but I still get some pretty strong urges once in awhile. Like yesterday I was driving home and the weather is SO nice I get to thinking about camping. How will I EVER enjoy camping without sitting around with hubby and friends, playing cards or just visiting without beer and cigarettes. I guess I will just need to do it a few times until my brain figures out they don't belong there!!

    You guys hang in there, it is so worth it! As far as the weight gain, I was lucky and lost weight because I also quit consuming about 1000 calories worth of beer almost every day. But, I feel it coming on now--too much chocolate and not enough exercise. I just need to get out there and start moving!

    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

      Well, I fell off the smokes wagon about a month ago
      Gonna start again. I could just kick myself! If I could reach, that is.. I've put on over 10lbs! :H

      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

        i am a heavy smoker, but I would like to say that when I went to the GP to ask for anticraving meds, he talked about smoking and said me "one thing at a time, my lad"

        good luck


          Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

          I'm just reading some posts here as I've have smoked for probably over 25 years off and on of course, quitting for years at a time, starting up mostly because of a drunken night. I don't smoke more than 7-8 cigarettes a day, but it's like the "escape" I look for. Another demon I need to kill! I've gotten through my first day, no problems, just continuous thoughts of "jeez! maybe this isn't the right time." I must have had that damn thought a million times today. When is the right time? Please tell me today! Startingover, I've been through the patches, the nicotine gum (for years!) and I'd chew N. Gum when I couldn't have a smoke. I'd have crazy dreams at night, start talking in my sleep. I need your help!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

            Today is the right time J-Vo!!
            You go for it friend.... I know you can do it!
            Just remember when that craving hits -- it is only a thought! Distract yourself, eat something, go for a walk ANYTHING until the thought goes away.
            Another trick I learnt is to just BREATHE when the cravings come. Focus all your attention on your breath.... if you do that you cannot think about anything else, including smoking:-)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

              J-vo!! Good for you!
              Honestly, cracking this habit is a damn good feeling! I NEVER thought I could live without my nicotine..I REALLY loved everything about it...sad I know...
              But I do feel better without it body feels cleaner, I get less headaches, I sleep better. Oh, I still have weird dreams and talk in my sleep though..maybe that is something else :-)
              Deebee is right, the cravings pass...they feel as if they wont and as if you will never get over them but they do go away..... For me, simply accepting that thought is what did it. Oh and wanting to be free of the addiction...
              Good luck, you can do this!!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                Deebs and Starting,
                Thanks for the encouragement and advice. And I've done this before, it was just the drink that made me go back to smoking. The two go hand in hand. Know what I mean! And yes, I want to be free of all my addictions. As I look back at my life, I can see how habits form into these addictions. It happens without us even realizing it. The longer the habit, the more likely addiction, the harder to break the habit - that damn cycle, over and over again. I have been practicing meditating Deebee, along with my anxiety program, and yes, that helps. I'll continue to do that. Thanks girls!
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                  Well, I started back on Champix. Round two.

                  THIS TIME... I tell ya... Muahahaahaha
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                    Good for you Sunny!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                      My husband did the Chantix (i think it's the same)and he did it for the three months. He's been successfully off it for I'd say about 1 1/2 months. So it does work.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                        Good luck GG!!

                        Yesterday was an eye opener for me -- when I got to the airport, I loaded up my trolley with my suitcases and bits and bobs and headed up to Departures. Now our airport is small by international standards but let me tell you that it must be a good kilometer from the entrance to Departures. So off I push my trolley, up three stories, on one of those "travel-a-tor" things. I get to the top and my cell rings which I answer -- only to realise HEY I CAN STILL BREATHE!!!! LOL There are soooo many benefits to not smoking:-)

                        How you doing J-Vo?
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                          That's great Deebs - able to breathe after all of that! I'm good. Day 3 for me and I'm feeling fine. It's still consuming most of my thoughts, but at least I'm not thinkin' of AL! I've done this in the past, but I think I need to do it again - list all the good things that come from not smoking:

                          I don't smell
                          Breath doesn't smell - I don't need to constantly chew gum to cover up that stink
                          My coughing goes away
                          I'm a closet smoker, so I don't have to hide
                          My car doesn't stink

                          Just a start! Have a good smoke-free day.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                            Hi all!
                            Well...I'm in to day 10 of Chantix. I have smoked for over 30 years. The pharmacist told me she quit after taking Chantix. Well....I'm still at my firepalce blowing smoke up the chimney. I went in to talk to her again on day 8. I was worried that it wasn't working for me. She told me she didn't quit right away either. (relief) It has been ages since I last attempted to go with out one for a few hours. My last attempt found me up on my bedroom balcony hiding from the family who thought I had quit. The neighbor had a good laugh when he caught me though! :/ Ha ha!

                            I guess that's why I'm a DIEHARD! I'm so addicted to these dang things! Tomorrow, I plan to try to get past my morning cup of coffee and avoid the fireplace, which is where the TV is. It is going to be really cold outside tomorrow to so I can't go for a walk. Morning is the worst time for me and after a meal. Maybe the chantix is working because I dread the bitter taste in my mouth all the time. I have never brushed my teeth so much in one day!

                            I want to tell WONDER not to worry! You can take a quarter or half the pill to start and see how it affects you. I did it and I called the pharmacist to ask if it would be ok. She said it was fine and just take them 12 hours apart. I am the same way with meds...I react differently than most people. Just start out slow and see how it works for you. I freak out every time I take a new medicine. Chantix gave me ZERO physical affects, other than some pretty neat dreams I would like to revisit and a bad taste in my mouth so far.


                              Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                              I'm on day 16 and have been using the patch, chewing an excessive amount of gum, and chomping on vitamin c drops (they are my favorite).

                              So far, so good.

                              The patch is great because you get a bit of a boost in the morning which is particularly helpful as I've given up my coffee. I love me some coffee and cigarettes and they really only work in tandem. I just can't have one without the other.

                              I've quit a couple times before. Once using zyban (terrible, terrible experience) and I only abstained for a month. Once using the gum (almost passed out upon the release of the nicotine. It's just too much and I was a pack a day-er). My last, most successful attempt (about 6 months) was on the patch (the drunk brought me down - cigarettes and red wine go so well together...) and that's why I'm working the patch system again.

                              Worked before... and it's working again.

                              I have to say, I'm not feeling terrible this time around. I believe I can kick the butt and the alcohol. This might bring about an identity crisis - who do you become when you're without your bad habits?


                                Ready to quit smoking? or Have you already Quit?

                                Good evening everyone!

                                I am now 18 days AF and feeling awesome. I do however have a nasty smoking habit that has to go.....and very soon.....I seem to be smoking more in the evenings than before and really want to quit. My doc has said I must try Zyban and will try anything right now.

                                I stopped for 3 years a while back after reading Allen Carr's book so I know I have the ability and I know I have the will.

                                I am starting some strength training for rehab for an AL related injury on Wednesday so I think this is the perfect opportunity to commit to kicking the habit.

                                I will supplement the strength training at the biokineticist with some rowing machine time in the evenings whenever I feel like a smoke.

                                I confess to being more fearful of quitting smoking that I was of tossing AL out of my life. Smoking is a daily habit whereas drinking was a weekend binge thing!

                                Please wish me luck! I am certainly going to be needing it!

                                Thanks and Regards to all

                                'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope

